Chapter 38

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Leonora could feel the last of her will leaving her as she placed her hand to her forehead. “You lost her? How in the name of all that is unholy did you lose Scripta?”

The feather chuckled and wouldn't stop jittering in the air. “Well, it was her first time using the wand to get to Gavaldon and she may have gone a bit off target, and by a bit, I mean that I can not physically find her anymore. It's probably fine though, she can handle herself.”

The dean pursed her lips. “She literally fell off of the bed, caught her arm on me, pulling me with her which ended up with me landing on her and almost breaking her arm. She did that while asleep, do you really believe that this isn't something to worry about?”

The Storian sighed. “It is something to worry about, she has been schoolmaster for a month and she has already disappeared. I want you to go after her and try to find her.”

She hesitated. “I haven't been back to Gavaldon in two decades, that can not be the best choice for this.”

The quill was silent in thought for a few moments. “I cant send someone who is not a reader, it would compromise the balance of the worlds, you are the only one who would be able to act normal enough.”

She twirled her cane with a hum. “What if they recognise me?”

The quill chuckled. “That was two decades ago, they really shouldn't. I mean, the only thing that could happen is that they mistake you for Scarlett, that, theoretically, shouldn't happen. She is dead after all.”

Lesso snorted. “The people of Gavaldon really aren't that intelligent. The next thing you know I'm waking up buried in a coffin because some guy thought I came back to life.”

The Storian chuckled. “I will make sure, I only have so much control but I can make sure that you get back if needed. All you need to do is find Scripta. It is simple enough, even you can't mess it up.”

The redhead gave her an exasperated look. “Fine, but only because I want to make sure Scripta returns safe. If I am mistaken for Scarlett I am going to pluck you, got it?”

She was met with another laugh before she was surrounded by a magical swirl of gold before she could feel herself being thrown against something and then suddenly she was on the ground.

She groaned as she lifted herself up but she paused as she looked down at her arms, she wasn't wearing her regular shirt or her coat, what was she wearing? She pushed herself up and hissed when she stepped on her bad leg, she looked around to find her cane and saw a cane that was definitely not hers leant up against a random log.

Oh well, finders keepers.

It may have been a simple stick, a nicely carved stick, but it would do the job until she got back. That was when she decided to look over to a small pool of water to the side of the forest trail that she was on and she blanked as she looked at herself.

She looked from her face free of its usual make up to her clothing covered in muck and filth. A simple dress made of whatever fabric was available to the villagers.She groaned as she looked to her usually curly hair to find it pulled down by the filth.

She looked like a villager, just some random villager that people would pass by without looking at because she looked like the rest. She looked like a farmer or a bakery or a butcher or a simple shop owner.

She ran her hands over her clothing with distaste, she thought that looking like this was over, she hated it enough as a child and teen. Always being covered in some sort of soot or dirt and smelling awful.

She sighed to herself and looked down the path that she knew vaguely, she had not travelled in these woods for two decades and sometimes one tree looked at two or three that you had already seen, oh well, time to find her way back to hell.

An adult reader (Lady Lesso X OC)Where stories live. Discover now