Breaking These Walls~Chapter Fifty One

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*Beth's POV*

My body flew through the air, and my side connected with the hard wooden floor. The breath was knocked out of me. I just barely had time to put my arms over my head before glass shattered on the wall, raining down on my bare skin and leaving tiny scratches.

It had been about two weeks since Daryl had decided on a name for Montana. During that time, many of Sean's kids had went out on a run together. They had brought back a huge supply of alcohol.

Everyone, including children, had been drunk at least once since they brought it back. Well, everyone besides Rick, Maggie, myself, and the babies that were being kept safe and sound in the cabin across from us.

Tonight was the first night Daryl had gotten drunk. He had been drinking for a few hours now.

I was outside when he called me. His voice had been slightly slurred. Montana was laying on the bed in the front room when I entered his cabin. She was screaming snd crying.

"Figure out what the hell is wrong with that," Daryl had said, pointing at the little girl.

Anger had bubbled up in my chest. "Daryl, you are supposed to be taking care of her. She isn't my responsibility. You're Daddy Dixon remember? Or have you forgotten that? You knew this wasn't going to be easy. You asked for this, so you can take care of her."

I had just started turning towards the cabin door when I saw him turn to face me out of the corner of my eye. The arm that held the beer bottle raised, and that was when I had dived for the floor.

"I know what I signed up for, you stupid blonde bitch!!! But we all know I ain't cut out for this! I ain't nobody's Daddy! I saved that little girl, but I can't keep her alive! By this time next year, she is going to be dead anyway. I might as well shoot her now!"

He went for the pistol that was in the wall close to where the kitchen was, or rather would be if this apocalypse hadn't started. It took my body a minute to register what he said.

The glass shards sliced my arms to pieces as I struggled to stand up. Once I was on my feet, I ran to the bed and snatched Montana up. There was no way in hell I was going to leave her with him. At least not right now.

We made it out the front door just as Daryl came back with the pistol.

*Rick's POV*

Beth came flying out of Daryl's cabin with a small bundle in her arms. She nearly ran into me trying to get into the nursery. I grabbed her by the shoulders and held her out at arms length. I could feel her heart racing under my fingertips.

"What happened?"

Her eyes were as big as saucers. "Rick, let me put Tana down. Please. Then I will explain everything."

After about five minutes she finally explained to me why she was upset. Daryl had gotten drunk and had thrown a beer bottle at her when she tried to tell him that he needed to be there for Tana. That is why her arms were bloody.

Then she went on to explain that he had pulled a pistol on the baby.

My mind was whirling with so many thoughts. I was digging glass out of Beth's arm when the cabin door flew open. Sean stood there with a big silly grin on his face. One of his buddies was standing behind him.

Beth stood up. Her nostrils were flaring, and her eyes were like pools of black ice. "You. You stupid motherfucker. What in the hell made you think bringing alcohol into camp was okay?!"

Sean's eyes darkened and he took another swig from his beer bottle. "Why not, princess? Lighten up. Hell, maybe if we got you a little drunk we could see a little more of you if you catch my drift. God knows you need it, especially a sexy thing like you."

Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now