Breaking These Walls~Chapter Thirty Seven

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*Sapphire's POV*

It had been a few days since I had woken up. Daryl had been spending as much time as he could with me. I'm not gonna lie....I loved every minute of it.

I still hadn't been out of the bed yet. I wanted nothing more than to stretch my legs. I didn't like being pinned down.

Today was the day. After all of the monitoring and checking this or checking that, everyone agreed it was time for me to get out and about.

"Everyone here does their part.," Rick said. "That includes you, even when you're down. We missed you."

I smiled at him, and he returned the favor. "Speaking of doing your part...I thought maybe I could help Daryl with his hunting."

A crooked smile appeared on Daryl's face. I felt my teeth fasten into my lip. That was one of the many things that drove me crazy about him.

Rick laughed and rolled his eyes. "That's up to him, not me. But for now, you need to stick around camp. Make sure you get your strength back completely before you start trying to go out into a world full of walkers."

Rick walked out of the cabin then. Daryl slung his crossbow over his shoulder, and pulled my arm around his neck. I felt the muscles in my body stiffen.

I didn't want to seem weak when he always seemed so strong. I will NOT fall.

When I started to stand, its like my legs were screaming. It hurt like hell. Gah I felt like I was just learning how to walk.

I let out a small whine. Daryl wrapped his other arm around my waist and raised his eyebrow at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Let's just get moving, bow boy."

He kissed my cheek and we started moving to the door. When we got outside, I couldn't help but smile. Everyone was here. Everyone was healthy and alive.

Rick and Carl were playing with Judith, taking her hands as she tried to stand and walk. Beth was standing over by a small group of teenagers I had never seen before. The way she looked at one of the boys...I had a feeling we would need to monitor them.

Maggie and Glen were sitting side by side at the fire. He looked different somehow. Prouder. Taller. Maybe that had always been there. Or maybe it was because of the small buldge that was starting to show on Maggie's belly.

I bit my lip. I missed my children. Even though the way I had come to have them was far from happy, I still loved them. As much as they were part of a tragic situation, they were also a part of me.

Tyreese and Sasha were laughing with some of the other people we had back at the prison. Everything was quiet for once. How long had it been since we had been this happy?

*Daryl's POV*

She looked happy when we got outside. Maybe it was because everyone else was. Well...As happy as you can be anyway.

Nobody was really sure how we were going to explain the situation with Glen. Everyone had agreed to keep that secret from Sapphire until she seemed ready for it. Which is why Glen was wearing a long sleeved shirt.

He still had the bite. But the fever was gone. He no longer talked crazy, like he was losing his marbles. Glen was immune.

None of us were doctors or scientists. None of us knew anything about this sort of thing. We were all around confused. Of course, I couldn't help teasing him and saying maybe it was because of his crazy Korean magic.

Carl ran up to us with a huge smile on his face and wrapped his arms around Sapphire's back. She put her free hand on his.

"I'm glad you're okay.", he said.

"Of course I'm okay. What would you do without me to teach you how to climb trees better?"

His eyes lit up. He may be a teenager now, but he still had that fire inside him. It burned bright. Maybe it would stay that way.


When I looked back at Sapphire she had a questioning look on her face. "What?," I asked her.

"You seem very distracted. I asked you if you would agree to let me be your hunting partner. You know, after I get better and what not?"

"Of course. I do need to teach you to properly use a man's weapon after all."

Her face went bright red when I said that. I didn't mean it like that, but I died laughing. It really did sound wrong.

*Maggie's POV*

Sapphire was blood red. Apparently Daryl had managed to embarass her somehow. I rolled my eyes. That crazy redneck.

When I turned my attention back to Glen, he was staring at me. I smiled. I cannot even begin to explain how thankful I am that he is still here. I still have him. Thank God for whatever bizarre thing had kept him alive.

I still remember freezing with my finger on the trigger. I freaked out. I couldn't do it. I was brave, but not that brave. He was one of the three most important things I had in my life.

It was amazing how short that list had gotten in just the past month. I missed my Dad greatly. I wish he was still here. I could just imagine the way he would be trying to solve the solution to the miracle that allowed Glen to live.

He would figure out a way for all of us to live. Or he would die trying.

The meeting we had held after we found out he was going to be alive was heavy. You could feel the tension. Almost like you could cut it with a knife or scratch the surface of it with your fingernails.

"He's going to be a target now. If not by anyone in the camp, then by people outside. We don't know what this could mean for his safety, as well as yours, or ours." Rick was in full leader mode now, especially after that meeting.

"Rick is right.", Carol had said. "This is painting a target on his back."

I had felt like my head was going to explode. I was going to snap. I couldn't take the pressure.

"We'll leave." I meant it too. They knew I was not kidding. "Beth can stay here. She'll be safe. You all will be."

Rick started speaking immediately. "No. You don't have to go. I'm just saying. You need to be prepared for what could happen."

"We've faced bigger challenges. This is not our first rodeo, Rick."

Ever since then, we hadn't discussed it again. We didn't need to. We could see it written on some of their faces. We were careful to never let Glen be on his own.

Daryl and Sapphire approached the log we were sitting on and sat down beside us. It was amazing how much she changed his mood, and how much he changed hers. They reminded me of myself with Glen.

That kind of love apparently only builds in the event of a tragedy.


And there it is. I hope you guys like this. XD

Thank you for the votes and comments guys. It means so so so so so much to me.

I love you!


Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now