Breaking These Walls~Chapter Twenty Seven

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*Carl's POV*

I walked over and kneeled down beside my father and my baby sister. She looked so peaceful laying there in his arms. Like the world was okay. Like it was the safest place in the universe.

After a few minutes it was time for the questions to fly.

"What happened out there?," my father asked.

"It's a long story. We were looking for your attacker when we ran across a dead walker. Next thing we know, Sapphire has a gun on the back of her head, and we are being taken to their camp."

Anger sparked in his eyes. If there was one thing you could say about Dad, he had a temper. You didn't mess with his kids. He would go bezerk. "I'll kill him."

"No. Dad the whole group is already dead."

"The whole group? You mean you killed them all?"

I explained to him what had happened to Sapphire and how Daryl and Glen had showed up just in time. "Dad, we think this camp could be a new settlement for us. The fences are strong, and there's like five different loops of it around the camp. Plus a bunch of spikes, kinda like what we had at the prison."

He bit his cheek. "We'll see tomorrow. It's getting really late."

*Daryl's POV*

I don't know what time it was when I made it back to the makeshift camp. Maybe after midnight.

I couldn't wait to tell Saph about the deer. She would love that story. I could easily see her with her sons, curled up on the couch watching Bambi, trying to hide her tears from her kids.

I wondered what would have happened if I had met her then. I probably wouldn't have looked at her twice. Rugrats hadn't been a thing I wanted then. Now though...

I guess its true that humans have a tendency to take things for granted. Wish I had realized that then. I think we all did.

Carol came flying out of the gates. She looked mad and relieved at the same time. Women, I'm tellin you.

"What happened to you?", she screamed as she threw her arms around my neck.

I nearly fell backwards. I must have really scared her. My arm wrapped around her waist while my other one dangled by my side with my crossbow.

Maggie walked out of the gates. Her eyebrows were raised like she couldn't believe what she saw.

"Um...I'm gonna go check on" Carol let go of me and walked back through the gates.

Maggie turned to me again. Her eyebrows were still raised as she started to speak.

"I see you got some meat."

She nodded towards the animals I had strung around my waist. There were several squirrels, along with a couple of rabbits.

"Here you go."

I gave her the belt of animals. Whether the rest of us liked go admit it or not, she could make a mean meat stew. And I literally mean a meat stew. Until we got another garden and some more seeds, all we would eat would be meat.

I wondered if vegetarians had a problem with that when the apocalypse first hit. I guess they would have had to give in to the meat or starve. Unless they somehow managed to shack up in a house that had a huge as crap garden that no walkers or other people could get into.

Everyone was around the campfire laughing and smiling. They all looked so much younger when they were like this.

I made my way past them and back into the cabin where my Sapphire slept. It was pitch black in there.

Even though I knew what I had seen earlier had been a dream, I was still scared to look. I wouldn't be able to handle it if she wasn't there anymore. If she had turned into an empty, hungry shell....

But I had nothing to worry about. She was sleeping peacefully, her chest rising and falling. I longed to lay down beside her and pull her into a tight hug.

She was so beautiful. She always had been. She always would be.

Her bandages had been changed. Carol really did have a healing touch. At least she didn't catch Sapphire on fire like she did Tyreese's love interest...

I tried to shake the thought from my mind. There was no way in hell Carol would hurt someone like that if she had a choice.

Then again....She had a choice. She didn't have to kill Karen and David. She didn't have to end their lives. It didn't even do any good. We still lost lots of lives to the flu.

I shook my head. This was what happens when I was left alone too long. I started thinking about crazy, off the wall things.

I laid my hand against Saph's neck. Her heartbeat fluttering under my hand reassured me. She would be okay. She had to be.

*Glen's POV*

Carl had disappeared into the house, and Beth had disappeared with Lizzie to do some odd thing or other.

I decided to go to mine and Maggie's tent. I was beat. Today had been so stressful.

I don't know why I chose to do this, but for some reason I decided to sleep on Maggie's side of the bed. I missed the feel of her skin on mine, the warmth of her body next to mine, her smell...

I missed her so much. I couldn't stand being away from her like this when we had been separated for so long, never knowing if the other one had survived or if we would see the other again.

When I slid my arm under her pillow, I felt something hard in the pillow case. It felt kinda like a thermometer you might use to check your temperature.

I sat up and opened the pillow case. In it was a small, white plastic rod-looking thing. For a second I thought it was a thermometer.

Then I saw the plus sign.


BAM! There it is. Glen knows now. This chapter was so much fun to write. I hope you guys like it.

Also, did you SEE THAT PREMIERE?!?!?!

It was so crazy. I hope they can work out something. But nothing is ever permanent, especially in this wonderful series.

Thanks again for all the support guys. It means so much to me. I love you.

:3 <3


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