Breaking These Walls~Chapter Two

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*Sapphire's POV*

I remembered running from walkers, stumbling under the weight of my son and trying my hardest to keep him from bleeding out. They were right on our heels. Then, I saw the store. My legs pumped faster. I HAD to make it there.

Once inside, I saw a heavy metal door. I ran toward it and put DJ down for just a second so I could get it open. Then I ran in with him back in my arms, kicking the door closed behind me with all my might. I sat down and inspected DJ. He wasn't breathing.

I tried doing CPR for a few minutes. It didn't work. He was just gone. Did he just move? "DJ?DJ!", I screamed. DJ was moving. But he wasn't alive. But how? He wasn't bitten, just cut bad by a huge piece of glass that The Governor had used to cut him. The man was a nut case.

DJ started grunting and breathing like those creepy creatures. And he started trying to bite me. I held him back and stared into his eyes, crying the whole time. Slowly I removed one of my hands, which allowed him to get closer, and I grabbed my gun out of my belt.

And I shot my walker son in the head.

*Daryl's POV*

I was in the woman's room. She was doing better now that Hershel had been taking care of her. She looked so innocent laying there. It must have been terrible for her to have killed her own son. I wouldn't have been able to do it. But where had she come from? Who was she with?

Suddenly, she started moving, and mumbling something. I got closer to her. My face was less than an inch away from hers. She was saying, "DJ.... No........ DJ....."

DJ must have been her son. Then her eyes flickered open.

*Sapphire's POV*

My head was killing me. My eyes were swimming. Someone was there. Whoever it was was less than an inch away from me. "Who are you? Where are you from?"

It was a male. I rubbed my eyes to make them clearer. And I could finally see him. He had shaggy brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. His face was slightly scruffy. I knew who he was. Daryl, Merle's little brother. The Governor, that sick man, had tried to get the two brothers to fight to the death after he was captured trying to rescue two of their group members.

In the middle of the fight, some unseen person had fired on our people and killed a few of them, including my daughter. She had been DJ's twin sister. I really wasn't old enough to have kids. But that's another story. All I knew was that these people were dangerous.

I scooted back on the bed, pressing my back against the wall. I kicked out at his face, and he grabbed my foot. He flipped me over and pulled me backward into his arms. I was strong, but he was stronger. He held me there, shushing me the whole time.

"I know you're scared. I would be too. But do you think you would still be alive if we really wanted to hurt you? You're safe here but please calm down and tell me who you are and where you came from. The more we know the safer it is for everyone."

I relaxed in his arms, letting him support my weight. He noticed that I had calmed down.We carefully sat down on the bed. He left one arm behind my back, and turned to face the door. "Hershel! She's awake! Bring me some water and soup please!"

This man was so sweet. I looked at him intently and when he turned around I quickly looked away. "My name is Sapphire. I was staying with The Governor and he went crazy on me and my son when my boyfriend was killed. He is the reason my son is dead."

I started crying. Daryl held me close and pulled my head under his chin. He held me there until a young girl came in followed by a young man. The girl held a bowl of soup in one hand and a beautiful baby in the other. The boy carried a cup of water.

"Hi. My name is Beth.", the young girl said.""It's nice to have you here. We will take care of you, help you feel better. Let us know if you need anything else. Daryl, help her out if she needs it." She smiled at me, then turned and smiled at the baby. "Oh, and this is Judith. She's Rick's daughter. Maybe you can help me take care of her once you get better." And with that, she left.

Then the young man stepped forward. "My name is Carl. Its nice to meet you." He handed the water to Daryl, and left.

Daryl was so sweet. He held the soup to my lips so I could drink the hot broth, then he helped me get a drink of water. I already felt better. I yawned and then Daryl yawned. We laughed at the same time and he said, "You should get some rest,Saph. I will be right here when you wake up."

I nodded and laid down. It was strange that he called me Saph. My boyfriend called me that. I closed my eyes and smiled.

*Rick's POV*

I walked to the new woman's cell, and peeked in, seeing Daryl by her side. He saw me and glanced over at her. Then he stood up and walked out to meet me. "So I heard she woke up."

Daryl nodded. "Her name is Sapphire. She says she was staying with The Governor. Said he attacked her and her son."

I nodded. "Do you think she might know where he is?" Daryl shook his head. "She might. But she's still pretty shook up. Maybe we should wait a while before asking her. Let her get settled in." Daryl had a point there. I can't imagine losing a child.

Hershel walked in the cell and checked her out. "She's got a bit of a fever. We'll give her some antibiotics so if she has this flu we can stop it early. She's suffered enough. Don't think she needs to worry about that too."

Daryl looked worried now. "You care about her,don't you?", I asked him. He just looked startled at me and said, "I care about every person in this prison." Then he turned and walked back into Sapphire's cell.


Hey guys!!! Hope this story gets better with time. I swear if you comment or message me I'm not ignoring you. I just use my school iPad to write these stories and they changed it to where I can't see my profile or my information. All I can do is read the stories in my library, and write the ones I have started.

I personally think this is my best story yet. :D


Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now