Breaking These Walls~Chapter Eleven

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*Daryl's POV*

Maggie guided me around the side of the house. She turned to face me, her expression one of anger and sadness. "What is going on with you and Sapphire?"

I must have looked like I was surprised. "Get your jaw off the floor, Dixon, Glen told me all about what he walked in on this morning. I just wanted to tell you that we already have Judith, and another baby on the way. We don't need a third. You two need to be careful, at least for a couple of years, if we live that long."

So this was about our new occupation. "Maggie, what's the difference in us doing it and you and.... Wait a minute, did you just say that there is another baby on the way?"

She looked down at the ground. "That's something else I needed to talk to you about. Glen doesn't know yet, but we're going to parents. I need some more supplies. Judith doesn't need formula anymore, she's old enough for baby food. We need backup just in case...."

She started sobbing quietly, most likely thinking about what had happened to Lori when Judith finally decided to come into this world. Lori had died during a C-Section. Nobody had been the same since then, specifically Maggie, Rick, and Carl.

After all, she had been the one to deliver Judith. Carl had shot her himself.

"Maggie.... We're gonna do everything we can to make sure you don't end up like Lori. This is your first baby, so yeah, we are a little lost about what to do. But everything will be okay. I promise. Nothing is going to happen to you."

She gave me a small smile. "Thank you Daryl. But we don't know that. We never know that."

*Sapphire's POV*

Me and Glen were sitting down at the base of a grove of trees waiting for Daryl. He was still at the house, probably giving the others orders on what they needed to do. Until the council or Rick got back, whichever came first, he was the leader.

"And remember the time Carl fell down the stairs at the prison?"

We both laughed, remembering the time Carl was sleep walking. He had a bad habit of that for a while, but towards the end he had gotten better about it.

Just about that time, Daryl showed up.

"What're you two doin? We need to get a move on."

Normally that wouldn't have surprised me, but he was a lot more urgent than normal. I shrugged my shoulders. He would talk to me if he wanted to.

We started moving through the woods, Daryl looking at the ground as we walked. He was an amazing tracker. It would be no time, and we would have a huge haul of meat to take back to camp, possibly even Rick and Carl. We needed them back. It just isn't the same without them around.

Daryl raised his hand, signaling us to stop. All three of us crouched down as Daryl pointed his crossbow. He sent an arrow flying straight into the eye of a young buck who had been nibbling on some clover at the base of a tree.

Back when the world made sense, I would've been mortified. After all, how can you shoot a deer without seeing Bambi? But those days were over now. We took what we could get.

Daryl motioned me over. "I need you to climb one of these trees. We need to tie this bad boy up so no walkers can get to it."

I nodded. Climbing trees shouldn't be a problem for me. I was fantastic in gymnastics when I was a teenager. I placed my foot on the base of a tree to my right, lifting up to the lowest branch. I climbed up two more branches, watching while Glen and Daryl tied ropes around the back legs of the deer.

They hefted the dead deer into their arms, Glen carrying the rear, Daryl at the head. When they got close enough, Glen threw the end of the rope to me, and I started pulling. Thank God I had muscles since the apocalypse started. The deer would've never made it up that tree otherwise.

Once we had the deer strung up, I jumped lightly off of the limb, landing on my feet. I turned to see Daryl and Glen looking at me in surprise. "What? Didn't know I could do that, did ya?"

They just stood there.

*Rick's POV*

Carl and I kept running. There was no way we would've made it out of there alive if we hadn't left when we did.

Not long after we started running, we ran into a large clearing. There were no walkers around. It was peaceful.

We both collapsed, breathing hard. I looked at my son. I don't know what would happen to me if I lost him. He was all I had left, with Judith and Lori gone.

Just then, an arrow flew over my head. I rolled over onto my stomach, looking in the direction it had come from. From where I was laying, I couldn't see much, but I had to take my chances. I stood, hands raised while my son looked on in horror.

"Please! Help us! Please!"

"Rick!", a deep voice with a southern drawl answered. Daryl was there, alongside Glen and Sapphire.

I moved towards them, stumbling. They all looked relieved.

A sharp pain hit me in my side. I glanced down, and saw blood running out of my side. The last thing I remember is my son screaming no.


Haven't updated lately. Sorry about that. (:


Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now