Breaking These Walls~Chapter Sixty Six

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*Daryl's POV*

It had been a few weeks since we found Morgan out on our runs. Sapphire was getting stronger everyday, and bigger, too. She was standing in front of the blank screen of the TV doing stretches. I could see tiny feet and hands pressing to the inside of her stomach.

She looked so beautiful.

"Why are you staring at me?," she said, sticking her tongue out at me.

A smirk appeared on my face. "Acting like you're in Kindergarten much?"

She laughed loudly. "Of course. You know it!"

I stood up to put my arms around her and rest my hands on her protruding baby belly. "Are you ready for your shower tonight?"

She groaned. "I almost forgot about that."

"How can you forget that with this?", I asked, poking the little footprint that appeared when I spoke. "That, and how Lacey shows up here everyday to update you on the plans."

"I don't know. I just want some peace."

A knock sounded on the door. "That's more than likely Rick. Aren't you guys going on a run to get the guns you hid at that church?"

"Yeah. Deanna agreed to let people start carrying weapons on them. But if they use them for anything other than intruders or walkers, they're exiled. Or killed. Whichever she and the rest of the council decides on."

Sapphire stepped away from me to answer the door. Rick stood on the other side, a smile on his face. Down the road I could see Jesse standing on her porch following him with her eyes.

"You ready to go?"

I grabbed my crossbow from the nail on the wall next to the door. "Hell yeah!"

I gave Sapphire a quick kiss on her cheek and followed Rick towards the gates of Alexandria.

Abraham ran up to meet us with his own array of weapons in tow. "Can I tag along? Rosita is going to the shower tonight. I need some more masculine adventures."

Rick glanced at me. I shrugged my shoulders. This was his call. Not mine.

Eventually he gave Abraham the okay. "Thanks!", he said as he clasped his hand over Rick's shoulder.

We passed the Rhee house then. All three of us waved to Glenn and Maggie. They were on the front porch laughing and playing with Hope. Glenn was doing much much better. He just wasn't quite strong enough to go back out there yet.

Just about everyone we passed on the way to the entrance held shiny, black guns in their hands. It was good to see them finally coming around. Rick was going to start shooting lessons soon.

Hopefully they would be worth it.

*Carl's POV*

Things had changed a lot at Alexandria in just a short period of time. Deanna had made Dad leader, and he had put together a council to help him make decisions. Kinda like what we did back at the prison.

I sat with Michonne on our front porch, watching Dad walk towards the gates with Daryl and Abraham. Jesse was holding Judith on her front porch.

Something about that thought made me bristle like an angry cat. The hair was standing up on my arms and my neck.

It wasn't Jesse though. I liked her. She was beautiful, and a nice person. She was good for my father.

It was her oldest son that bothered me.

"Hey, I'm gonna go see if I can find Enid, okay?"

Michonne gave me a small nod. Her eyes were closed like she was trying to relax, to let herself slip into a peaceful nap. I couldn't blame her. She was going to the baby shower tonight.

Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now