Breaking These Walls~Chapter Sixty One

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*Daryl's POV*

We went back the way we came, through the hole we had blasted through the wall. I was in front, followed by Rick, and then Maggie. Her face was whiter than the walls at this point. My heart reached out to her. The pain of losing someone you loved, especially the way she and Glenn loved one another, could last an entire lifetime.

Every time we turned a corner I pressed my back against the wall and peered around the side to make sure there would be no surprise attacks.

Surprisingly enough, there were none. Perhaps this place wasn't as well guarded as we thought. We found the route Michonne and Carl had probably taken with the babies.

Within minutes we were on the outside of the edge of the woods. There were footprints in the leaves that were too straight to belong to a mindless walker. I straightened my back and turned towards Rick and Maggie. "They came this way. We have them."

Relief sparked in their eyes just as a huge cough racked Glenn's body. "Come on. We better keep moving. He needs somewhere to rest."

*Carl's POV*

We made it out of the woods about a half hour after we started running. There was a small wooden barn standing in a small grove of trees right in front of us.

The barn itself looked like it hadn't been used in ages. Perhaps before the apocalypse, it had been used to house a couple of horses or even some farm equipment. But now, just like everything else in the world around us besides Michonne, myself, and the babies, it looked utterly lifeless.

All that was left of this barn was wood and the memories that that wood had seen but could never tell.

"Well. This is as good a place as any. Do you want to check it out? See if there are any walkers here?"

I glanced over my shoulder and gave a slight nod before taking a few steps forward. Sometimes it was better to stop and listen before running straight into a place. Walkers could generally hear and smell us before we could hear them. (Smelling them was unavoidable. It had probably been four years since any of us had smelled actual fresh air.)

But the night stayed silent, even as we made our way closer to the barn doors. There were no hungry snarls or angry growls. Just silence and the sound of us breathing.

I pushed Judith up farther on my hip so I could grab my pistol and push my back against one side of the barn door and push the other side open even farther. I peered inside to see nothing but darkness. There were still no noises.

Michonne pulled her sword out as best she could with Tana attached to her. She walked in slowly, checking every corner she could to make sure this wasn't some bizarre walker trick.

The barn was clear. We got a clear view of our surroundings after we blinked a few times. In one corner of the barn, there were some old hay bales and some blankets. In another corner, there was some kind of bizarre farm tool I had never seen before. Not even on Hershel's farm so long ago.

My eyes began to cloud up at the thought. I shook my head to clear them before turning back to Michonne. She was investigating a shelf that was near the hay bales. It looked like there were pictures standing on it.

When I got closer to her I realized I was right. There were pictures on the shelf, was well as some old blue ribbons. In the pictures, there was basically a story of one man's life painted out for us to see. Most of them were in black and white. In the first picture, there was a young boy. He couldn't have been much older than ten or eleven. He was standing next to a horse that was probably three times his height. In the next photograph, it was the same boy, but this time, he was grown and there was a beautiful girl beside him holding a small child. She had to be his daughter.

Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now