Breaking These Walls~Chapter Fourteen

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*Daryl's POV*

I pulled away from her, looking into her eyes. I didn't know what I expected to see there. But what I got was surprise, and betrayal.

"Carol. I'm sorry."

She just kept staring at me. I couldn't think of words to say. I couldn't focus.

Suddenly, a pair of bright blue eyes flashed across my mind.


I quickly snatched my jacket and crossbow up. There was no way I could ever look at either of them again.

Because I would lose one of them. I would hurt one of them.

Or possibly even both.

*Sapphire's POV*

I watched in horror as the walker crashed down on top of Carl. Its jaws were snapping at his neck, saliva dropping down on his bare skin.

The walkers claws were digging into his shirt, and if they broke the fabric...

I sprang as hard as I could, launching my body into the walker's. I felt the weight of the walker lift as I sailed through the air.

"SAPPHIRE!", Carl screamed.

We came to a stop, the walker on top of me. It was snarling like crazy, its teeth snapping inches from my jugular.

Blood splattered across my face. The walker went limp, and I pushed it away.

I managed to drag myself to my knees. Carl was looking at me, his face white as stone.

His pistol was raised. He had shot the walker.

I raced over to him, throwing my arms around him. "You saved my life, Carl. You saved me."

I felt cold metal on the back of my head. A low, male voice chuckled softly.

"You think that little twig saved you? Girl, he couldn't protect you if he tried."

*Daryl's POV*

I approached the farm house. I had left Carol behind. It didn't look like she was gonna follow.

I sighed. I shoulda known better then this. I couldn't get close to anybody because I would always lose them in the end.

I heard the door open. Maggie and Beth were on the porch, looking at me worriedly.

"You said that Carl and Sapphire went to see if they could find the shooter right?"

I nodded. "Yeah they did. Are they back?"

The tension in my muscles relaxed a little. At least they were safe.

"No. Daryl this isn't like them to stay gone this long. We know you need rest, but you're the only one that can track. During the day, we might could manage. But at night, its not that simple." Beth looked desperate. She really did care about Carl.

I groaned. "Okay. I'll see what I can do."


I turned to see Carol there. I knew what she was gonna say before she said it.

"He's not going alone. I'm going too. Can we spare anybody else?"

Glen stepped out the door then. "I'll go too. They'reour family."

"Alright. Here we go."


Sorry guys. This chapter is so boring. I love you guys and I hope you like this story. :)


Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now