Breaking These Walls~Chapter Fifty Seven

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*Daryl's POV*

"You stupid motherfucker!!!"

My full body weight was going into the run I was making for Eugene and his ugly face.

Abraham left his spot by the tree and came flying after me.

My body hit Eugene, hard. He fell over backwards. I had my legs on either side of his body, the shiny blade of my knife hovering over his throat, where I could see a tiny flutter of a pulse.

The world around me was red as I started putting pressure on the knife. Tiny droplets of blood were beginning to spray the blade.

Something hard and hot hit me. I went tumbling, taking my knife with me. I landed on my back, but within two seconds, I was back on my feet, crouched and ready to spring.

Later Rick would tell me that I looked like a rabid wolf, hell bent on the kill.

Abraham was standing a short distance away between me and Eugene. "What are you doing Abraham?! He just killed a baby!"

"I don't give a damn! What is one baby to the rest of the world? It ain't like it matters. You will get over it, just like you got over your dead girlfriend. Let's just forget this ever happened and move on with our lives."

My jaw clenched even tighter. "You have to go to sleep sometime, Abraham. And when you do, I am going to kill him. I will kill him good. Nice and slow. Skin him alive piece by piece."

I sprang into a standing position, running the second my feet hit the ground. I had to find Tana. I had to at least try to save her.

The trees around me should have been a blur. I shouldn't have been able to see anything but the path in front of me.

But it was just the opposite. It was like I could not move fast enough. Like my feet were stuck in deep, sticky glue.

Within a few minutes I reached an area next to a small stream. There was a tree there, with low hanging branches covered in tiny white flowers. It was a dogwood.

I almost passed it. There were about twenty walkers surrounding it. Underneath their moaning and groaning, I could hear something weaker. Something tiny, something human.

The walkers were reaching for one of the lower branches. There was a deerskin pouch hanging from the branch.

I had found Tana.

I ran out of the forest. I reached the outside of the walker crowd in about two minutes.

I buried my knife deep into the soft, mushy skulls one by one. Tana's cries were getting louder. I was almost to her when the bag fell off the branch, and suddenly, there were no more cries.

*Rick's POV*

We all stood right where we were for a few minutes after Daryl disappeared into the trees. Eugene was still on his back. Glen was poised with his pistol raised and trained on Abraham.

I had Judith on my hip. At some point, Carl had stepped between them and us. He had his knife up in front of his face with his arms crossed. I remembered teaching him this skill about a year ago.

Rose was just sitting there, dazed. Who could blame her? All of this was so unexpected.

"What. In the hell. Was that?"

Everyone whipped around to face the voice. Michonne stood there with the young girl that had been a partner of one of the leaders of the Kid Camp.

"Michonne? I thought you were dead!"

She smiled. "It's gonna take a lot more than an explosion to take me out. You guys oughta know that."

Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now