Breaking These Walls~Chapter Seven

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*Sapphire's POV*

I watched as Daryl fell asleep. He was so adorable. He always had been, now that I thought about it. Even when he was a hot head back in the camp when all this started.

Speaking of when all this started, I missed my family. They were all split up now. For all we knew, half of them could be dead. I didn't see Rick or Carl once during the fight. What would Judith do without her father and brother?

I don't know when I started crying. I just did. It wasn't fair that such great people were put through this. I was angry. At God. At myself. At The Governor. I prayed he was dead.

Beth walked up to me and leaned against the tree. She looked so tired and worn out. She was pitiful. "You should get some more sleep, Sapphire. I slept all night. It won't be long before Daryl wakes up."

I nodded and wrapped my arms around her neck. She needed a little comfort. That much was true.

I went over to where Judith was. She was such a beautiful baby. I smiled as I thought back to the day my kids were born. The happiest day of my life. I snuggled up to the small bundle, falling into sleep as I did so.

*Rick's POV*

Carl and I were stumbling through the woods, tripping over our feet. I heard a baby crying. "Judith?!?!" , I screamed at the top of my lungs. I saw her stumbling toward me. "Dada!" She said excitedly.

"Dad! What are you doing?" That was Carl. He sounded distant.

"Get over here! I found your sister!" When I turned around, there was nothing but a tree stump where I had seen my daughter. I pinched the bridge of my nose.

Carl appeared beside me. "Dad, you're seeing things. Like you did when Mom died. Please, Dad. We gotta go."

I sighed and followed my son.

It seemed like we walked forever. Finally, we came across a small cabin. Carl approached one of the windows quietly. "Is there anything in there?"

He shook his head. He pulled the door open a crack, readied his gun, and kicked the door in. "Come on Dad. We'll be safe here for a day or two. I think we both deserve a rest."

There was food in the cabinets. Old peanut butter, stale crackers, some slim jims. Not exactly that great, but at least it was something to eat.

Carl didn't say much. Neither did I. How could we, when we had lost everything but each other?

*Daryl's POV*

I woke up next to Sapphire. I smiled when I saw little Judith in her arms. Reaching out gingerly, I pushed a strand out of her face. Her eyes flickered open.

She smiled. I loved that. "We should get movin. It won't be long before we attract more walkers, and we need to check the prison out. See exactly what kind of damage was done. See what we can find, if anything."

Sapphire sat up, still holding Judith.

"Beth, can you grab her? I gotta get up."

Beth walked over and grabbed the baby from Saph. I stood up and reached out for her hand. She smiled and took it.

I didn't let her hand go. I held it there. She didn't seem to mind.

We finally made it to the prison. I went over the fence the tank had knocked down first. Sapphire came third. We figured Beth and Judith would need protection on both ends.

There were only small groups of walkers here and there. Compared to yesterday, it looked like Heaven. Yesterday, there had been just about nothing BUT walkers. The prison was still smoking in places.

We only had to take down a few. Once inside, we went straight to the food storage. Nobody had gotten the baby food, thank God. Judith would need that for a little while longer. Although she did do pretty well with the squirrel last night......

We grabbed the remaining cans of beans and spinach. I would have to teach these girls to hunt and pick berries. If anything happened to me, they would need to know how to take care of each other. And the baby.

The meds were in the other cell block, which had been damaged greatly by the tank. I looked back at Sapphire and Judith. "Stay close. We don't want any accidents."

I opened the cell block door. Sure enough, there were about ten or fifteen walkers inside. I cursed under my breath. "Sapphire. I need you up here with me. Beth, you and Judith stay out here in case you need to get away fast."

I put my hand back on the doorknob. "1..... 2........ 3!"

I slammed the door open, and we went in.


Hey guys! Hope you're doing well. I read back through and edited some things. Lesson learned, re-read your chapters before you publish it. :)


Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now