Breaking These Walls~Chapter One

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*Rick's POV*

Gosh these cucumbers can put up a fight. It's crazy how much has changed since the walkers came to be. For a while there I was a leader, but after I lost Lori, things got a little complicated.

Daryl is pretty much the leader now, taking charge of runs for supplies and giving people fence duty. We almost had a situation where Walkers broke a fence, but after the flu hit,we needed to do something about that, deal with one problem at a time. So, therefore, we killed our pigs. They were infected with the flu anyway, so we really couldn't use them.

The road to the prison was full of walkers. Michonne had an accident a while back when Patrick got sick and died. As a walker, he attacked cell block D. This flu claimed many others after that incident, and Glen even has it now. Every single council member was exposed.

Daryl, Michonne, Carol, and Tyreese went out on a run today to see if they could find some more antibiotics for the people who were still sick. Carol is very loyal to this group and would do anything for them.... But if Tyreese finds out she is the one that killed Karen and Dave, he will kill her.

Maggie is in the watchtower that looks over the road. Carl is sitting at the end of the drive preparing to open the gate. Daryl and the others must be back. The way Daryl drives through the gate, I can tell something is wrong. Thinking that maybe one of our members had been hurt, or the Governor had resurfaced, I broke out in a flat run.

Whatever it was, Carol was NOT happy.

Daryl was opening the back door and lifting something out.... No, it was someONE. How the council would handle this one, I had no idea. The way he held her presented a kind of urgency. And I know Daryl. He only ever carries anyone like that when they mean something to him.

Daryl and Tyreese ran inside, Michonne close behind them yelling for Hershel. Carol stayed behind. "What happened?," I asked her. "Your guess is as good as mine. Daryl should have just left her there. She's as good as dead anyway." Now, that response surprised me. I knew Carol had a thing for Daryl, but strong enough to say he should let some woman die out there all alone?

She has changed a lot in the past year and a half. She's no longer afraid of her abusive husband, and she doesn't seem to mourn Sophia to much anymore. It seems that she has done much like Beth and cut all emotional ties.

After I talk to her, I go inside and see what's going on. I can hear a commotion coming from one of the cells, and walk over. Hershel is checking her for bites. She looks pretty frail. Really thin and pale, long, dry brown hair. And blue eyes. Thats rare.

"Well she's not bit, thank God. But she is malnourished and seems to be suffering from post traumatic stress. We need to supervise her condition. Can one of you get some water and chicken broth please?", asks Hershel.

Daryl automatically volunteers. She must really have his attention.

"Well I guess I'm going back to gardening.," I say, but before I get out the door, Daryl pulls me to the side. "Rick,we need you to stand in for Glen on the council. He's still sick. And we need to have a meeting about this."

I really didn't want to. I screwed us up once. I didn't want to do that again. But what choice did I have? We needed a full council's vote. And they all needed to be level headed.

Sure enough, we land in a meeting about Daryl's rescue. "Obviously,she needs our help," Hershel says, "but she's not safe here either. She could get sick. And we need the supplies for our own."

"She could be a great help to us.", Daryl puts in. "She has to know some hardcore survival skills to have been able to survive that long. Group or no group, she's a fighter."

"Yeah, but Daryl, she could just as easily be a cold blooded murderer. You can't just take in any stranger you find on the street!" Naturally, that was Carol.

"But isn't that what we did when we brought the Woodbury people here? I agree with Daryl. She could be a good asset if she can get over having to kill her own child. Not an easy thing to do."

That was the level-headed Michonne. Wise for her age. But when she is around Judith or any other small child, you can tell she is hiding something. She looks at kids with a great sadness. But she would tell us when she was ready.

"Maybe we can give her a trial run. Everyone deserves a chance. Haven't we all learned that? I mean, look at what Merle did. For all of us, even when most of us hated having him around. People like that are unforgettable. And looking at all of us, we're not the same as we were a year ago."

How had Carl even gotten in here? We all stared at my 14 year old son in shock. Since when had he become a leader? Or a mature young man? I just couldn't wrap my head around it.

Finally, I spoke up. "Carl's right. Trial run. She definitely needs our help."

Carol stormed out of the room.

And then our decision was made official.


Okay guys,so I do have to say that I know Carol is no longer in with the group.But since I couldn't just take her out of the story right after I published the prologue and she was in it.So she might stay in this story,or she might go.

By the way..... TEAM RICK.


Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now