Breaking These Walls~Chapter Four

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*Carl's POV*

My Dad fell right under the walkers. "DAD!", I screamed at the top of my lungs. I could not handle losing him on top of my Mom. He and Judith were all I had left. He got up, but barely. Just as we got to the door, arrows started flying through the air.

We got the door closed, and ran out the other side. With Daryl shooting those arrows, and the walkers piling up on the fence, it was only a matter of seconds before this fence came down. Dad threw me a gun. "Keep tapping the trigger for rapid fire. Don't let them get close."

I nodded my head and looked back at the walkers. One by one, they fell as bullets and arrows flew through the air.

*Rick's POV*

I stopped firing for a second, and looked at my son. Since when had he gotten old enough to handle a gun? Much less obtain an aim like that. The walkers were dropping like flies.

I focused back on shooting. I had my two best buddies by my side. This would be easy. Once the walkers were dead, we heard a gunshot come from inside the prison. We all looked at each other and went inside. Hershel probably had it under control, but we still needed to check.

*Daryl's POV*

I'm so tired of losing people.

I walked into Sapphire's cell and she smiled. I loved that. She was so beautiful. Then, her smile turned into concern. "What's wrong Daryl? Are you okay?"

I sat down on her bed and let out a long sigh. She sat up and scooted closer to me. "I'm just so tired of losing people. We almost lost Rick tonight."

She hugged me. We sat there like that for a few seconds. Then I let out another sigh. "Maybe we should get some sleep. It's been a long night." She pecked my cheek and smiled. "Goodnight Daryl. It'll be okay. One way or another, it will be okay."

*Sapphire's POV*

He walked away. He was so fragile. He hid it well from most of the group, but not me. It seemed like he was giving up. And that wasn't what he needed. It wasn't what anyone needed. He was the glue that held everyone together. If something happened to him, they'd all die. He was needed, whether he knew it or not.

I decided to get a quick shower before I went to bed. I was getting stronger, and figured it was time for me to start doing things on my own. One day maybe Daryl could give me lessons in using a crossbow. Or a gun. I had to be able to do that, at least. I don't want anyone completely taking care of me. I needed to earn my keep.

As I was walking down the hallway, I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly turned around, my heart pounding. But there was no one there. "Hold it together Sapphire. Nobody's gonna hurt you. It's all in your head." My self motivation speech wasn't helping. The hair on the back of my neck was still standing up.

A hand slipped over my mouth and an arm gripped my waist tight. I screamed against the skin of the hand over my mouth, and kicked out at the thin air. I tried throwing my head back so maybe I could bust my captor's lip. Whoever it was was much taller than me.

"I bet you remember me, don't you Sapphire?" That voice sent chills down my spine.

*Daryl's POV*

I couldn't sleep. I had a nagging feeling that I needed to go to the showers, but I had no idea why. I just decided to follow my gut.

I started my way down the hallway, my crossbow over my bare shoulder. I might go without a shirt, but my crossbow stayed with me. All the time. I went to round the corner, when I heard voices. It was close to whispering, but it was definitely a male.

The stone wall was cold on my back. I had to hold my breath in keep from being to loud. It felt like ice. It was all I could do to keep from gasping.

"Don't you remember all the fun we had hanging with The Governor? Because I do."

I leaned around the wall, and saw red. Bob had Sapphire backed up to the wall with his hand over her mouth, and his hand on her hip. He had already peeved me off by getting liquor instead of meds for our people. He just made that anger a thousand times worse.

I stormed out and took my crossbow off of my shoulder. I slammed it on his head, and slipped am arrow out of my quiver. I had it aimed for his brain when Rick came around the corner and looked between me and Bob and Sapphire.

"What's going on?" I couldn't take my aim off of his sick little alcoholic head. "This sicko had Sapphire pinned to the wall. If I hadn't come around the corner....."

Rick looked at Bob with disgust in his eyes. "You're out of this group. Pack your stuff and leave. You've hurt us for the last time."


So this was why Sapphire was scared of Bob. Had to have something for Daryl to save her from right? Next chapter will focus on the mid-season finale events. We will lose some characters ladies and gents. I'm sorry. I'm trying to keep tied in with the actual TV series as much as I can.

I hope y'all like this. Sorry not sorry for grammar mistakes. I'm from the south and so are these characters so its on purpose.

I know this chapter was really boring but the next one should be longer and more interesting.

Love you guys!!!!!


Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now