Breaking These Walls~Chapter Fifty Five

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*Michonne's POV*

We managed to find an area of the woods that was open. There were no walkers around, and the late afternoon sun poured down into the clearing.

The girl slipped her arm out from around my neck and sat down in the middle of the pool of sunlight. Her skin was tanned a dark brown, much like everyone else. I guess running from walkers in the hot southern sun would do that to you.

I walked around for a while, looking for fire wood. I figured we might as well get some rest while we had the oppurtunity.

The girl's eyes followed me around as I picked up anything from pinecones, to straw, to small branches that had fallen off the trees. I could see a question in her eyes as I brought everything back over to her.

I slipped the backpack I was carrying off and laid it on the ground. I snaked my arm down into it and found a small lighter. She kept watching me while I struck the lighter until it left a small flame on one of the branches I had gathered.

I sat back then. "Well. Ask away."

She jumped, almost like she was startled. "Ask what?"

"I can tell you want to ask something. So spill it."

She still looked shocked. "Well, first off, how'd you know I wanted to ask you something?"

I laughed. "You've got a lot to learn. Trust me. After long enough around people, you learn to read them. It'll save your ass in the long run."

"Oh...So you've been through a lot, I guess."

My shoulders stiffened. "Yes. Then again, we all have."

She was chewing the inside of her cheek. "So......What exactly happened? Where were you when all this started?"

"Look. This isn't story time. I don't know you. Quite frankly, I don't trust you."

She raised her eyebrow. "So you saved my life because you don't trust me?"

"I saved your life because nobody deserves to die by being exploded into a million tiny pieces. In case you forgot, Beth died in exactly that way because she didn't want you to die that way."

"You people sacrifice more for others than anybody I have ever seen. The group I was running with never really did that."

I had to think on that for a minute. In a way, she was right. We took Woodbury in. We took Bob in, as much of a creep as he was. We let this chick and her friends come in and stay with us when we didn't know them from Adam.

"You learn to do that, but again, you need to know how to read people first."

"How do you plan on me doing that when I don't know how you learned? You could make it easier on me."

I closed my eyes. "Fine. Whatever. When all of this started, I had a family. A beautiful family. I had a son. Everything was so amazing, going right. Well, then the virus broke out."

I paused. Everything was playing like a movie in the back of my mind. My blood was beginning to boil with the remnants of rage.

"They said it was some kind of flu. Some kind of flu that made people act rabid, like they were craving something, anything to tear apart. They claimed it was worse than rabies. Eventually, things just got worse. We moved into a camp. I went to go get supplies. And when I came back, my boyfriend was eating my son."

She raised her hand to cover her mouth. Her eyes were turning red.

"Anyway....I went crazy for a while. I felt like I was in prison, or maybe a mental asylum, and I was trying to get the hell out."

Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now