Breaking These Walls~Prologue

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*Daryl's POV*

I raised my bow into position.The creature in front of me had rabid eyes,a hunger that could never be contained. We call them Walkers.

They kill anybody no matter what age. I would know..... I've seen it happen. From a little innocent girl to my brother Merle. As I fired my arrow into this shell of a person's brain,I think back to them, and how they didn't deserve to die.

"Hey Daryl," Michonne shouted, "You need to see this." I slung my crossbow over my shoulder and went to see what she was talking about.

There was a trail of blood there. And it was fresh. Not the thick slop the walkers leave. "Maybe we should follow it," I said. She nodded. I yelled out to Tyreese and Carol, letting them know we were following a trail. You can never be to careful on these runs. We lost Beth's boyfriend a couple of weeks ago while on a run. Brave kid. Gave up his life for a friend.

Since Rick brought the Woodbury people to the prison, I've kind of taken things over. Rick needed a break. He lost his wife when she had to have a C-Section to bring his child into the world. Rick's own son, Carl, had to shoot his mother to keep her from turning.

I had to kill my father, my uncle, and my brother.

I do what I have to to help our group. Right now, a flu epidemic broke out in the prison not long ago, and quite a few of the council members were exposed, including me. So far, we've lost quite a lot of people to it. And now we might lose Glen.

Michonne and I neared a door, one that looked pretty heavy. I crouched down and inspected the blood. It was fresher here. I put my hand on the doorknob, and Michonne got into position to strike if she needed to. I pushed the door open with all my might.

What I saw made me nearly lose my mind.

There was a young woman lying there with a small child in her arms. I could tell the kid was dead. My first thought: Get that kid away from her. I approached her slowly, planning on taking the kid out of her arms. But then I noticed the hole in his forehead. She had already killed him.

I looked at Michonne, who was so close to tears. Beth had told me how she reacted to holding Judith. She was hiding something from all of us. But you learn to mind your own business around her.

"Michonne," I whispered, "Get Tyreese in here. NOW. He has to get her out of here." She simply turned and walked away.

I looked back at the woman, and realized that I shouldn't let a stranger come back with us. But for some reason, I couldn't just leave her. She was......

"Hey Daryl," I heard Tyreese say, "Are you sure this is logical? She looks pretty shaken up. Maybe you should put her out of her misery."

I nearly flipped out. But I knew that wouldn't be very good for her. "Just because you lost Karen and went a little psycho didn't make us kill you. Why should she be any different?"

That shut him up. He put his arms under her and lifted her up. She didn't even flinch as the dead child fell from her arms.

Carole was none to happy about putting a stranger in our car. "She is a stranger, Daryl. For all we know, she could be a crazed killer, kinda like that woman Rick found in the woods. Or, did you even check her for bites?"

"That is Hershel's job. I can't just undress a random woman I find and search for walker bites. I'm not a doctor, Carol!," I screamed. She looked hurt. The last time I had snapped like that, she was going through the loss of Sophia. We all were.

I took one last glance at the broken woman in the backseat of our car. And then I got in the driver's seat.


I know I'm not a great writer guys, but I try. I love Daryl and I think he deserves a break from all of this crap. He deserves to make it through more than anybody. But keep in mind that I do NOT own these characters. That is why it's called fan fiction.

Please vote and comment guys :) I love you xx


Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now