Breaking These Walls~Chapter Eight

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*Rick's POV*

I smiled brightly at my wife. She was so beautiful out there playing with our kids. Little Judith laughing and pointing at the sky. Carl, so grown up now, looking at whatever she was pointing at and smiling.

This was my family. My home. My life.

I opened the back door to join them. They all looked at me and smiled. Lori stood up gracefully, and ran into my waiting arms. I hugged her with all my might. It was so nice to have her back.

She let out a gasp. One of pain. I stepped back and looked at her in horror. Her skin was melting off of her body. She screamed so loud my ears hurt. Her eyes turned opaque, almost see through. She smiled at me evilly.

The thing in front of me was no longer my wife.

She turned back to our kids. Judith was crying, Carl looked terrified. She walked toward them, snarling like something I swore I had heard a billion times before lately.

"Lori!STOP!!!!!", I screamed. I tried to run, but I was stuck. Frozen. I was forced to watch as she bit down on my little girl's tiny arm. After she bit Judith, her skin started falling away too. My little girl developed the same evil smile, and followed her mother over to her brother.

"Mom! No!", he screamed. She bit his neck, and his little sister bit his leg. He dropped to his knees as the skin started falling off of him.

Once he had turned, all three of them looked at me. I was the only one left. My family was gone. "NOOOOO!!! GET AWAY!!!!!!!"

They started saying something over and over. "Wake....

"I don't understand! Get away from me!"

They just kept talking. Louder and louder.

"Wake.... Up...... Wake..... Up...... WAKE UP!!!!!"

I sat straight up. Carl looked terrified, the exact copy of the Carl in my dream. My heart was pounding. My whole body was sweaty, as was the whole palette we had been lying on. "Carl, I'm so sorry."

*Daryl's POV*

Sapphire and I quickly took out the walkers. Not many meds were here. Maybe Maggie or some of the patients had been smart enough to grab them. Groaning quietly, I walked out to the middle of the cell block. The sun shined down on my back. It felt nice to be able to relax without much worry.

Sapphire sat behind me and rubbed my back through my vest and jacket. As far as I knew, she hasn't seen the scars from where my father had beaten me. She would someday. I hoped she would.

Beth walked in with Judith in her arms. She sat beside Sapphire and let out a long sigh. She sounded so tired. She was only seventeen, and had the weight of the world on her shoulders. I grabbed her hand, and squeezed it. She smiled at me.

I released her hand. I wasn't very good at this whole comforting thing.

Beth snapped her head up. "The Farm!"

I nearly jumped out of my skin. "Geez, Beth. Scare the heck outta me why don't ya?"

"Sorry, Daryl. But seriously, that could be our best bet. They way we regrouped on the highway that one time, remember? Well, what if everyone else went back to the farm? Glen and Maggie probably got on the bus, and they know the way. So does Rick, if he finds the road. And you know the area. We could all regroup there. It's an idea, right?"

Wow. "You finally had a good idea Blondie."

She punched my arm. "Ouch!" She stuck her tongue out at me. "No more blonde jokes, okay? Unless you want to be punched again."

"Okay, okay. But let's say we do go back to the farm. It could still be overrun with walkers. Someone else could have the property. The house might not even be there. And what happens if we do go back, and there are walkers or other people? The three of us can't fight them off ourselves."

"We could check it out from a distance. If there is no sign of either, then we're good. If our people do turn out to be there, then it will be worth the risk." Sapphire said that.

I admired her leadership. I admired how she pulled through seeing both of her kids die and what Bob had done to her. She was strong.

"Okay then. Let's move."

*Glen's POV*

I had no idea where Maggie was. All I knew was that the woman in the front of the bus had grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, and thrown me into a seat. She had closed the bus doors, and drove off, leaving quite a few people, even kids, behind.

Now we were driving down roads I had never seen. We would run out of gas before too long. We came across a road full of crashed cars....

Wait a minute. I had seen this road before. This was where we had stayed until Carl got shot, then we moved to Hershel's farm.... Hershel's farm?

Maybe it wasn't overrun anymore. There might still be a few walkers, but we could take them, right? I stood up, coughing slightly as I did so. I sure hoped someone had grabbed meds and packed them, because we were going to need them.

I walked to the driver. "Stop the bus."

"What? No! Are you crazy?"

This woman could be..... Complicated. Her name was...... Elaine?

"Look, Elaine. We are about to run out of gas. I have an idea, and I'm the only one that knows how to get there. You need to get out of this seat, and move your rear end to the back of the bus. This place should be safe. And if I know the rest of my original group, they will be there."

She gave me an icy look, then moved. Sitting in the drivers seat, I prayed they were there, that there were no more walkers, no new people.

We sped towards the farm.


So, I heard this is how they regrouped in the comic books. Chris Hardwick mentioned it on The Talking Dead, I think. Or maybe it was the writer dude. Either way I heard it from one of them.

But there is a twist.

Rick and Carl haven't thought about it yet, and you don't know if Maggie and her little group have thought about it or not.

We shall see my pretties. We shall see. ;)


Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now