Breaking These Walls~Chapter Sixteen

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*Daryl's POV*

We walked a little bit farther before we found a dead walker. Around it were scuff marks and boot prints, almost like one hell of a fight had went on.

Carol took in a deep breath when she saw the scene in front of us. Clearly, we weren't the only group around here.

I cursed under my breath. I couldn't believe I was stupid enough to let her and Carl go out here by themselves. Now, they could be anywhere. The could be hostages.

On the bright side, at least I had tracks to work with now. They were fresh, too. Couldn't be more then thirty minutes, maybe an hour.

"Let's go.", I said.

"Wait," Glen said, "Shouldn't we go for backup? We don't know these people. We don't know how many there are. We know nothing. We're no smarter than Sapphire and Carl if we go in there, guns blazing, with nobody but us three."

I felt a surge of anger rip through my chest. "Look here, Glen. How would YOU feel if that were Maggie? How would you feel if that were your son? These people could be complete lunatics. You want to risk going back? Possibly losing the trail? We could be too late to save them. I don't want that blood on my hands."

I could tell Glen hadn't expected that reaction. His jaw was basically on the ground. Literally.

"Fine," he said. "But at least send Carol back. We need somebody to know where we were going. If she stays, we have nobody. Especially when we could wind up captives ourselves."

"I'm not going anywhere.", Carol said. "Daryl, tell him I'm not leaving."

I pinched the bridge of my nose. As much as I hated to admit it, Glen was right. "I'm not telling him that Carol. You have to go back. Don't bother arguing. It won't work."

She looked astonished. It wasn't often that I turned her down when she wanted to be around me. Or, it wasn't before Sapphire came along.

"Fine." She said.

Before I could say anything else, she was gone.

*Sapphire's POV*

Sharptooth's buddy kept holding me on the way to their camp. I couldn't believe this was happening. It had been my responsibility to protect Carl. But just like I failed in protecting my own children, I failed in protecting Rick's.

Eventually we arrived at what I assumed was their base. It was a group of small buildings that were built close together. All around there were trees. Somehow, they had managed to build a fence around the area.

It was a huge fence, and it looked like there were several circles of it around the camp. Like a fence then another fence behind it.

My stomach tightened when I saw why the place hadn't been stormed by walkers.

There were spikes around the fences, much like what we had had gaurding the prison door.

On those spikes were countless walkers, snapping their teeth as we passed by, just waiting to sink them into human flesh.

Their ears had been cut off, it looked like. Their fingers too. It wasn't long before I realized where they had been put.

The fingers and ears were strung up in between the links in the fence.

No wonder walkers hadn't touched this place. The smell of the dead covered any smell of the living here.

I glanced back at Carl. He looked green, almost as if he were fighting off the urge to vomit.

I couldn't say I blamed him. It was like we had just run straight into a horror film. Or maybe something out of our nightmares.


So...They be crazy.


Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now