Breaking These Walls~Chapter Twenty Two

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*Rick's POV*

After the search party left, I sat there alone with my little girl. She was smiling and pulling at the hair on my face. Moments like this wouldn't last forever. Eventually, something or someone would separate us.

Mica came in then with a small bowl. "Mr. Rick? How are you feeling?"

She was the kindest little girl. I hoped Judith grew up like her. "I'm great. Thank you so much for helping out, Mica. It means a lot."

She knelt down beside me with the small bowl still in her hands. "Judith needs to eat. I'm sorry Mr. Rick. I had to fight to even get enough for the baby."

"Mica. You need to make sure that the kids eat before the adults. We don't need the nutrients to help us grow. This includes yourself. You have got to eat."

She sighed. "Thank you, Mr. Rick. I think you should be leader again.", she said as she raised a spoonful of canned chili to Judith's mouth.


"I know what you're thinking. After what happened with Lori, you lost your mind. You're afraid you're still crazy. But you need to realize that we all are. Who wouldn't be after going through all this hell?"

Kids had managed to turn to adults in only a small amount of time. Carl was practically grown, even though he was only maybe fourteen. Mica, who was even younger than my son, was wiser than him.

"You're not crazy. And things like what you just said are what we need. I'm not saying Daryl is a bad leader. He's actually a really good one. He's just not as strong as you."

Within a few minutes, Judith was all done with her chili. "Please Mr. Rick."

"Okay Mica. I'll try."

She wrapped her arms around my neck before she walked back outside.

*Maggie's POV*

You wouldn't have been able to tell where they ended and we began. There were bullets flying and knives flashing. Blood sprayed across the ground, the walls, even our faces.

Carl was using his knife expertly. Beth was using her fingers and nails to get at people's eyes. There were screams tearing the night apart.

All you could smell on the air was the metallic scent of blood. Underneath that, was the scent of the meat these people had been eating. My stomach turned at the thought of Sapphire or Carl being part of that meat.

I watched as the bodies fell around us. There couldn't be many left to fight. We would win this battle.

A scream split the night air. "He's mine!"

Bodies fell away from their attackers. By now, there was only one of them that had been left alive or at least not seriously harmed. I recognized him as the leader of this crazy little phsychopathic group.

Daryl stood there in front of him with his crossbow pointed at his head. You could see a thin stream of blood running down the man's face as the arrow tip pierced his skin.

*Daryl's POV*

Every nerve told me I should just make it easy. Send the arrow into his screwed up brain. That wasn't about to happen though.

"You wouldn't hurt me, now, would you? Put that crossbow down, little boy. We can all walk away from this." He spat blood onto the ground.

"You. Shut. Up." I bared the tip of the arrow into his skin further. He winced. Good. Bastard deserved it.

"You're gonna die here. Just like your partners. You're going to feel the pain that you caused me. That you caused my best friend. That you caused that little boy and that woman. That you caused to all of those people you killed."

I motioned Carl forward. "I said he was mine. But he's really yours. I have to do something to help Spapphire. You need to take care of him. I know you can do it."

Carl just nodded and approached the man before he started carving into him. Glen and Beth helped hold him in place.

Maggie came over and helped me pick Sapphire up. Together, we moved her body into the nearest cabin. The leader's screams drove into our ears as we inspected the damage.


Sorry short chapter guys! I love you! :D



Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now