Breaking These Walls~Chapter Thirty One

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*Daryl's POV*

I stared at Carol. She had a point. Then again, even the prison hadn't been this gaurded. Not to mention the fact that nobody knew where it was.

Before I could open my mouth, she walked off the porch. I watched her go. What were we?

Rick came out of the cabin. He still looked extremely pale, which didn't surprise me. I noticed his hair was getting more gray in it too. This world was aging him prematurely. I guess it was aging us all.

"Maggie says Glen isn't back yet."

I shook my head. "He's not. I guess I need to go look for him."

"You sure that's what you wanna do?"

I nodded. "I owe him. He helped me find Saph."

That was true. Even though I found my own way here, he had still helped. Him and Carol both.

"Okay then. Listen, Daryl. I wanted to thank you."

I shook my head. "Rick you're my brother. I wasn't about to let you die out there. Just like I'm not gonna let Glen die out there."

I jumped off the front porch and headed towards the gate.

*Glen's POV*

I didn't know where I was. I didn't really care, besides the fact that I missed my Maggie. She needed me right now. I didn't even remember why.

My back was pressed up against the tree. I was drenched in sweat. I couldn't move. All I could do was sit there, watching the clouds move across the sky through the limbs above me.

My throat burned and my eyes ached. My body begged for sleep, for water, for food, for everything a human needs. Yet at the same time, my body didn't want any of that.

My eyes wandered down to my arm. It was odd seeing exposed tendon and bone. I was bleeding pretty bad too.

A scream tore through my body and out into the air. I could hear things moving in the trees. One of them did this to me. One of them tore my arm open with your teeth.

When I opened my eyes, there was a dark figure standing not far from me. The blur around my vision wouldn't allow me to see the face. I just knew it. Somehow I knew it. I was dead.

The figure came closer and knelt in front of me. The face was still blurry. As everything went black, I heard two words.

"Damn Korea."

*Daryl's POV*

Glen was covered in sweat. His arm was torn open. His clothes were covered in blood. I could see his arm bone.

I couldn't believe this. We couldn't lose Glen. Maggie couldn't lose Glen. We didn't need her flipping out right now. We couldn't afford to have a miscarriage on our hands, especially when we know this thing infects everyone.

I decided my best bet was to get him back to camp. I took my jackeet with the angel wings off yet again and tied it around the bleeding wound.

My crossbow was thrown over my shoulder. I grabbed Glen's arm, and hauled him to hia feet. Well...He wasn't exactly standing, but he was on his feet.

We started going back to camp.


Short update again guys. I'm sorry they aren't very long any more. I've got so much school work it isn't even funny.

I love you guys and thank you for all of the support. It means the world to me.


Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now