Breaking These Walls~Epilogue

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*Rick's POV *

It's been a few months since the walls came down, letting walkers pour into our little town we called home. We finally had the wall back up, stronger than it had ever been before.

My arms were wrapped around Michonne's waist as we admired the scene in front of us. The sun was shining brighter than it had in months. The birds were singing at the top of their lungs, filling the air with beautiful music that was a rarity since this whole thing had started.

There was a long white aisle leading down to a beautiful white archway covered in vines and sapphire flowers. Underneath the archway, there was an oak wood podium where the preacher would be reading off vows.

There was furniture, consisting of anything from couches to love seats to medical chairs to dining chairs, painted white on either side of the aisle. Glenn was on a ladder hanging blue and white streamers while Judith and Hope were on the ground below him. He smiled from ear to ear when he saw Judith take one of the streamers and wind it around Hope's body as she giggled and Hope laughed joyously.

"I hope our wedding will be like this."

Michonne looked up at me, her lips finding mine. We were locked in a deep kiss, her hand pressed to my cheek like she was trying to dissolve me into her own body.

"It'll be even prettier than this one."

She pulled away from me. I felt my lip pop out in a pout. I hated not having physical contact with her. Especially since we had started making love on almost a nightly basis. Just the thought of it got my heart beating wildy.

"I need to go check on Sapphire. Since you're the best man, I suggest you go check on Daryl. They're both probably losing their minds."

She kissed my cheek as she passed by me to head towards the house Sapphire was getting ready in. I couldn't help but trace my eyes from the back of her head down to her hips, where they swayed elegantly under the beautiful fabric of her dress.

*Sapphire's POV *

The woman staring back at me from the full length mirror on the wall was unrecognizable. She was in a long white gown, one that showed off the size of her breasts and the span of her hips. Her face was caked in makeup, her eyes dark from the onyx eyeliner and dark blue shadow around them.

She looked absolutely stunning. Her hair was twisted into curls bunched on the back of her head, a beautiful veil being pressed down into her hair by Maggie Rhee.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, Sapphire. Daryl's going to wanna rip this dress off of you tonight. Which is why Glenn already cleared it with him that we will get the kids tonight."

My face was turning scarlet at the thought of Daryl's hands on me in that way. We hadn't had a chance to do anything intimate since our kids were born. It had been a pact of ours.

A knock sounded on the door. Maggie bounded over to the door. "Who is it? Dixon, I swear, if that's you trying to sneak a peak again, I will kick your ass out to that podium."

A voice way too high to be Daryl's sounded on the other side of the door. When Maggie opened the door, Michonne stood there with a huge smile on her face.

"Oh my...Sapphire, you look simply beautiful. This dress looks fantastic. I'm glad we found that bridal shop when we went out on that run a couple of months ago. Everything is turning out just perfect."

I tried my best to smile at her. The butterflies in my stomach made that hard to do though. I was about to vow my life to the man that means the world to me. The father of my babies.

Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now