Breaking These Walls~Chapter Fifty Two

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*Daryl's POV*

Montana was letting shrill cries out as I ran full speed into the forest. People behind me were screaming. Something about someone being killed, something about gasoline, something about walkers.

I wasn't for sure, and I didn't really care.

Once past the border of the trees I glanced over my shoulder. I could see Rick running right on my heels with Judith in his arms and Carl behind him with a rifle. Behind them I could see Glen, Beth, and Maggie.

At least they were getting out. My family was getting out. I turned my face back around to the dark forest. We had to keep running. Like always, we had to keep running.

*Beth's POV*

Maggie was breathing hard, and sweating. The heat from the overturned truck was unreal.

Groans from the walkers rang in our ears. You couldn't hear anything. You couldn't see but maybe two feet in front of your face.

Rick's silhouette was the only thing helping me and my sister make it to the gates. I could hear Glen's feet making the ground crunch behind me.

I could hear someone screaming somewhere. It was the kind of scream that would chill you to the bone, the kind of scream that makes your blood turn to ice and the hair stand up on the back of your neck.

We had finally reached the gate. I turned to Glen then. "Someone needs help. You make sure Maggie gets the hell out of here, and somewhere safe before that baby comes!"

Glen turned pale. "Baby? As in right now?"

"Glen, get out of here! Go!"

He grabbed her arm and wrapped it over his shoulder. I watched in silence, waiting for them to reach a safe distance, then I turned back to the camp. "Okay. Beth, you got this."

I found the pistol I had wedged inside my belt. My finger slipped around the blistering-hot trigger.
When I came around the side of the truck, there were walkers waiting. Some were on fire. Others had organs that were basically melting from the heat.

I put a bullet in the heads of the first two. The dropped dead, continuing to burn and start flames on the grass around them.

I heard the screams again. This time, I saw where they were coming from. The girl I had seen earlier, the one who had been trying to get to the destroyed infirmary, was still putting up a fight.

Michonne was trying her best you get her arms around the girl, trying desperately to hell her it was over, he was gone.

I ran over to them. Michonne's eyes blazed with hope at my appearance.

"Listen! Hey!"

I backhanded the girl across the face. The wildness left her eyes. She raised one hand slowly to her bruised cheek.

"Are you with me now?"

She nodded slowly.

"We gotta go, now. This whole camp is about to go up in flames."
Michonne took her by the collar of her shirt and dragged her towards the exit. The girl's hand never left her cheek.

I ran around the camp, peeking in cabins for any more survivors. I searched everywhere I knew to look. No one else was left in the camp.

The truck was even more consumed in flames now. I knew if I didn't get out now, I wouldn't.

The smoke was solid black now. I could feel the smoke clogging my lungs, I could feel my nose starting to run, my brain begging me to do something, anything, to get some fresh air.

Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now