Breaking These Walls~Chapter Thirty Four

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*Sapphire's POV*

My eyes snapped open. I sat up so fast black dots spread across my vision. All I could hear was ringing in my ears.

At least, I thought it was ringing. After about five seconds, I realized the ringing was me screaming.

My heart felt like it was gonna explode out of my chest. I killed Daryl. I killed Daryl.

The room I was in was part of one of the cabins where a man had thrown me into the wall. I remembered seeing Glen and Daryl walk through the door, Daryl's eyes darkening with anger. I remembered him reaching for an arrow to lock into place on his bow. Then the air. Then nothing.

I felt a tugging on my hand when I raised it to my head. I pulled it around where I could see it, and there was an I.V. taped to it. Wow. Someone had been prepared.

Wait a second. Why did those men keep me alive? My blood turned into ice then. Had they killed Carl? Glen? Daryl? What about the rest of the camp?

I only had a sheet over my body. Whoever did this, had been sure to take care of everything. I mean, except for my hair and underneath my fingernails, I was squeaky clean.

I had just managed to get my legs over the edge of the bed and my feet on the floor before the door opened. I felt my body stiffen.

The person standing in the doorway was Carol. "You might not want to try to stand up just yet."

*Daryl's POV*

I was about to go hunting when I heard the scream. It was high, one of utter pain. Somebody was being torn apart.

I spun around and ran towards the cabin it had come from. Carol was already through the door. I saw her back stiffen.

I pulled my crossbow off of my shoulder. If someone or something hurt her, I would...

When I got through the door, I was confused. Everything was as we had left it. Everything was fine. There were no walkers. There was nothing there.

Sapphire was sitting up on the bed with her feet on the floor. I could see the stuffed bear I had gotten for her just beside her hand. I could see how cute she looked with her hair all messy and her eyes looking so innocent.

"Daryl?", her eyes looked confused. "I didn't kill you?"

I shook my head and dropped my crossbow before trotting over to her and pulling her head to my chest. I could feel her sobbing, fighting tears myself. She hadn't killed me. She never could. She had saved me.

*Maggie's POV*

A scream ripped through the camp. Everyone who had joined us here in the past couple of weeks was staring at the cabin like it was an alien.

What was going on now? It had only been two days since the last of the farm camp got here. Are we leaving again so soon?

I pulled my pistol out of my belt and approached the cabin. When I got through the door, Daryl had his arm around Sapphire.

She was awake.

I felt a smile crack across my face. Finally, things were starting to get better. Even better.

Daryl pulled away from her but kept his fingers locked with hers. His thumb kept brushing lightly over the exposed veins that ran through her thumb.

Daryl didn't have to say he loved Sapphire. You could just tell, in that gentle touch.

I tore my eyes away from them to glance at Carol. While Daryl was happy now, she wasn't.

Her eyes were sad. You could see her breaking even before she turned to walk out of the front door. I decided to follow her.

When I looked back over my shoulder, they were both staring at me. All I knew to do was offer them a small smile.

I left them alone after that.

Carol was over by the gate by the time I got away from the cabin. I had to run to catch up to her as she opened the gate and stepped out.

"Where are you going?"

She whipped around to face me. She had a shotgun strapped across her back and a knife in the sheath that hung on her belt.

"Maggie, I can't stay here. I don't belong. I've gotta go."

I didn't want to see her go. "Carol...Please."

"No. Don't beg me, please. I can't stand seeing him with her anymore. Imagine if it was Glen. What if he had done something like this?"

My breath caught in my throat when she said that. Even the thought....

Carol turned and walked away through the trees.

*Sapphire's POV*

I felt Daryl's skin on mine as he sat down next to me. I had the sheet wrapped around me. Not like he hadn't seen everything already but...That's besides the point.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and watched as he raised my hand up to his mouth and kissed it. He was so sweet, so kind, so gentle.

"Are you hungry?"

I smiled. "Starving."

"We'll take it slow so you don't make yourself sick. How about some meat soup?"

I watched as his shaggy brown head of hair bobbed out of the door. I didn't have much anymore. But I still had Daryl Dixon.

He was enough for me.


Sorry guys I know this chapter is beyond confusing. But its building up to some pretty major events.

Thank you everyone who has been reading this, commenting, and supporting me.

You have no idea how much that means. And I love you for that.

Thank you again :3 <3


Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now