Breaking These Walls~Chapter Fifty Four

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*Daryl's POV*

I stood up, grabbing my crossbow and slinging it over my shoulder. The sky was a pale blue color. The clouds were glowing pink where the sun was hitting them.

"Hear anythin?"

Carl shook his head. "No, nothing I couldn't handle." He glanced around at all the sleeping faces in the camp. "Do you think we can trust these guys?"

I flinched. "I-I'm not sure. It is a little far-fetched, but who can know of we don't try?"

Carl seemed to withdraw into a shell. His mouth formed into a hard line, and his eyes seemed to be reading over the facts, analyzing every word that I could not see but he could hear. Eventually, he shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess you're right. I don't know. I'm sure Dad will ask for a vote on it later today."

I nodded and left him standing there.

About two hours later Carl's prediction came true. The three people that had destroyed our camp with their truck stood off to one side, their eyes waiting and expectant.

Rick stood to the side of them, about five feet away. Next came Maggie, Glen, and Little Bit. After that, was me, then Carl. We stood in a half circle facing Rick.

"Okay. I told you guys back at the prison that we all need to make these decisions. So let's do this together."

Rick turned to look at the strangers. "I remember the story you told me last night. Are you sure he is telling the truth?"

Abraham stepped forward. "No, we aren't sure. How can we be? He's a human being, we can't read his mind any more than I could read any of yours."

Rick spoke then. "That's true. The only thing is his story doesn't add up. If he knew all of this stuff was going to happen, then why didn't he try to warn people?"

"I never said he knew this was going to happen. I said he knew people in Washington that knew what happened and how to stop it."

Rick shook his head. "See, you basically did just say it. If he knows this group that knows how to stop it, then he must have known them before any of this was even thought of. He can't make it around here on his own- That much is obvious, considering he's basically clinging to your side constantly. What makes you think he can make it from here to Virginia on his own after this started?"

Abraham stayed silent. He turned to Eugene- mullet boy- recognition dawning on his face. "Did you know this was going to happen?"

"I will speak on this subject matter when we get to DC."

"How can we know we can trust you then?", Rick said. "I would be moving my family across the damn country, maybe for nothing. If we decided to travel with you, and then someone died, what would we do? That blood would be on my hands, and yours, if they died chasing a lie."

Mullet boy just cleared his throat. "Everything will be settled in DC."

Rick sighed and closed his eyes. "I don't know. I don't think this is a wise idea. We lost our whole camp last night. We don't need to lose any more people."

Daryl. Speak.

I turned my head, raising my crossbow. I swear I just heard Sapphire talking to me.


My attention turned back to the meeting. "Yes?"

"Did you hear something?"

I let my crossbow down by my side again. "I thought I did."

"Rick, listen. I think we should go to DC with these people."

Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now