Breaking These Walls~Chapter 59

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*Daryl's POV*

Tana gurgled in the crib that the people in the facility loaned to us. She was so tiny, the tiniest of miracles, especially in this crazy world.

Carl was standing across from me on the other side of the crib. Judith was leaned over with a slightly curious expression on her face. "Babe. Babe."

Carl smiled and bounced Judith on his hip. "Yeah, she's a baby. You gotta help us look out for her and Little Bit when you're older. You and I will be the big brother and sister of the family."

It was funny how that worked, going from being a one man show, to a full blown family member. "She sure is growing up fast. Before you know it she will be talking to us in full blown sentences." 

About that time Maggie came flying into the room. She ran so fast that the door slammed into the wall, and her feet slid across the floor. She barely managed to catch herself on her hands. Her skin was pale white, and her forehead was covered in sweat.

Rick, who had been dozing on the couch by the fire, leaped to his feet. He ran just as fast as Maggie had been running to close the door. She had slammed it open so hard that there was a hole in the wall. 

"What in the hell happened?", I hissed under my teeth. 

Maggie's eyes were glassy like she was holding back tears. "It's happening again. These people are not who they profess to be."

Michonne spoke next. "Maggie. Calm down. We need you to tell us exactly what happened."

"They got Glenn. And the girl you saved from the camp. They have Glenn strapped down to a table, with monitors taped all over him as well as tubes in his arms. They...They put the girl in this....this contraption.....It's metal, with just the outside of her arm exposed. They let a walker bite her...they told Glenn that if their experiment did not work, she would be dead."

Rick cursed under his breath. He took the knife from his belt, holding the handle, and threw it. The blade stuck point first into the wall as he released an animal scream. He hit his knees. You could see his body trembling from where we stood. His hands were covering his face.

"What do we do?"

I turned to face Maggie then. She had emotion written all over it. Sadness deeper than what I had ever seen on her before. "Daryl, I can not lose him. I lost Beth, I lost my father, I lost everything besides Glenn and our daughter."

I stood there awkwardly for a few seconds. I'm not big on physical contact, but she needed somebody.  I put my arms around her and pulled her close. "Look. I'm not gonna let them take him away from you or Little Bit. We all need Glenn. He has been here since day one. He's going to fight his hardest to get back to you and that little girl."

*Glenn's POV*

I watched the girl in the room next to me struggling against her metal tomb. She was crying, her eyes terrified, locked onto the exposed meat the walker had left on her arm. 

It seemed like time was frozen forever while I waited on the door of her room to open. When it finally did, one of the scientists held a syringe with what looked like blood in it. "No!", she screamed,"Stay away from me!" 

The scientist kept approaching her with the needle in hand. He grabbed the metal of the shell that kept the girl encased for support while he examined her exposed arm. He took the needle, and jabbed it into one of her exposed arteries, one that had not been torn. This allowed another small spurt of blood to escape her as she screamed bloody murder once again. 

"She's bleeding out." The scientists were talking as they opened the door to my room. "You either need to calderize the wound or stitch it. If not we will lose our test subject."

Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now