Breaking These Walls~Chapter Sixty Four

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*Sapphire's POV*

The front door to the house creaked open downstairs. I could hear voices floating up to the room Daryl and I had fallen asleep in. One glance at the window to my right told me that it was still dark outside.

Daryl was sprawled across the blanket, sleeping deeply. That look of peace on his face never got old.

Before I got the chance to shake Daryl awake, the bedroom door peeled back to reveal Carl, Michonne, and Rick standing there. They all held a sleeping baby in their arms.

"How was the party?", I asked, drawing the blanket up around my body. There wasn't much to this gown, especially with my big pregnant belly poking out.

Daryl barely stirred when we spoke. Exhaustion was a powerful beast to he able to keep him asleep when people were around. Then again, he was probably used to their voices. He had been around them for years.

"It was great!," Michonne said, smiling from ear to ear. "They sent you two some snacks. They figured you would be getting hungry, you know, since your eating for three."

Almost as if to remind me of that, the babies in my belly kicked me. And my stomach started to rumble.

"Um....Yeah, do you mind bringing those snacks to me? I keep forgetting that little detail."

Carl smiled before he disappeared from the room with Montana in his arms.

"So.....What did you think of the place? Do you think we can stay here for a while?"

Rick chewed the inside of his cheek. "I'm still sticking to the plan for the weapons. But yes. As long as they don't do anything to make us have to take this place, we can stay here."

Carl came back then with a plate full of cookies, brownies, and pasta. I had never tasted something so good. I never thought these kinds of things would ever go past my lips again. It was like Heaven.

I grinned sheepishly at the others when I opened my eyes. "I'm....I'm sorry. It's just been forever since..."

"Hey, it's okay, we get it. I'm sure we were all like that earlier. We got weird looks from everyone here, so at least we saved you that pain in the ass."

After a few more minutes, they left. I laid back down next to Daryl. I could get used to this. Life was good. Great, even.

I hoped it would stay like this for a long, long time.

*Rick's POV*

The next day, Carl, Michonne, Daryl, and myself all went to the place where they kept the weapons. We were going to carry out the plan to distribute and hide the guns somewhere we could get to them, should that need arise.

Daryl had just gotten his crossbow over his shoulder when Aaron came in. "Daryl, I need to speak with you. Deanna and I think we have a job for you."

Daryl looked back at me for the okay nod. I gave it to him, letting him know that it was okay for him to go.

After they left we made our way towards the gate. Todd, one of the gaurds, motioned for Sid to open the gate. It rolled back in front of us, revealing the long open road full of dead cars.

It felt great to be in the woods again. To hear pine straw snapping under the weight of our shoes. To smell the trees and the richness their dying flowers put off.

Dying flowers smelt better than walking dead meat any day.

The church was by a narrow back road that you could reach by walking straight east away from the wall. It rested in a small nest of trees. Only a small sliver of sunlight hit the building.

Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now