Breaking These Walls~Chapter Thirty Three

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*Daryl's POV*

Maggie hit the ground. She started sobbing into her hands. As much as I wanted to, I didn't have time to stop and comfort her. I kept dragging him past her, towards the cabins.

Carol came to help. She pulled his injured arm around her shoulder. All he managed was a groan.

She started taking us toward the cabin Sapphire was in. I stopped dead in my tracks.

"He's not going in there. Not with her."

Carol turned to stare at me. "He's not gonna make it anywhere else. The medical supplies-"

"You can move some medical supplies. We aren't talking about this anymore."

She gave in. We wound up taking him to the cabin sitting to the right of Sapphire's.

In the cabin was a small living room, a kitchen, and a bedroom. Maybe this place had been built before the apocalypse happened. If not, then they had done a great job of finding furniture.

We laid Glen down on the couch. He was coughing and groaning. I shook my head. I didn't want to lose him too.

Before I could give myself the chance to break down any more, I walked out the front door.

*Maggie's POV*

I felt tears sliding between my fingers. I remember feeling the pain of seeing my father killed. I remember the pain of seeing my sister gone. I remember all kinds of pain.

But this topped the cake. You can only take so much before you break down.

Carl was standing next to me. I could see the sorrow in his eyes. "Maggie...."

I could hear his voice. I could hear what he was saying. But I couldn't comprehend it. My blood was rushing in my ears. I felt like I was gonna explode.

Carl knelt down in front of me, focusing his blue eyes on mine. "Maggie. Listen. You need to stay strong. You need to remember that he isn't dead yet. You need to be there for him, for however long he has left."

He was right. I didn't know how much longer the father of my child would be alive. I didn't know how much longer he would be breathing.

I didn't know if he even knew me anymore. I needed to find out. If not, then oh well. If he does, then its a miracle.

I stood up and turned towards the gate that led to the inside of the camp. When I turned my head to glance back over my shoulder, Carl was smiling.

I reached the cabin Sapphire was in and opened the door. She was still asleep, hooked up to he IV. Nobody else was in there.

I turned around and around, just to make sure. Was he already dead? Had Daryl already pierced his brain with an arrow?

I flew out the front door, not caring that it slammed shut behind me. Daryl was standing by where the fire would normally be.

"Where is he? Where's Glen?"

My voice sounded a lot quieter than I meant for it to. Daryl looked up at me and nodded his head toward one of the other cabins.

I didn't even register that he was in a different cabin than all of our supplies until I was already in the door. Carol was already there, prepping the skin on his arm with an alcohol pad.

"You're giving him an IV?"

She looked up at me. "Yeah. I figured..."

I realised then that there was no end to that sentence. No matter what we did, Glen would be a walker. No matter what we did, he would die. I would be a single mother, facing a world of monsters alone.

My fingers creeped to the gun I had in my belt. I felt hot tears start pouring down my face again as I pulled the cool metal away from my skin and off of my belt.

I walked forward. "Don't bother."

I pressed the barrel of the gun to my husband's head. My finger wrapped around the trigger.

*Sapphire's POV*

I felt blood trickle between my fingers as I buried them in his eye sockets. I heard his blood curdling scream rip through the gray wasteland as I pulled my hands away.

His face was covered in blood. I heard a weird sound coming from me. It was a shrill laugh, one that didn't sound human. I needed to end this now. I needed to end it now, and stop him from hurting other people.

I suddenly felt something cold and sharp digging into my palms. I hissed between my teeth from the pain.

I looked down, expecting to see nothing in my hand. Maybe my nails digging into my palm like crazy.

There was something glittering. It was gray, like pretty much anything else except the blood and my skin.

I had a knife. I could tear his throat out with it. I could make this easy. I could make it count.

I walked forward to the man who had nearly killed me. I felt a thrill when I saw how weak he was, how exposed. A cold grin spread across my face.

I raised my arm, and slashed skin off of his arm. I repeated my pattern of shedding his skin off his arm until he was dead. His screams...

When I looked down, the knife was gone. His body still lay there, soaked in blood. My arms were slick with it from my fingertips to just above my elbows.

I turned and kept walking. I needed to find a crossbow. I needed one desperately. I remember somebody about to teach me how to shoot one...

I kept walking through the trees again. Until I came to another clearing. In the middle, stood someone with his back to me.

He wore jeans with a angel wing jacket. He had shaggy hair that was dark brown. When he turned, he had beautiful eyes that I had known for a while.

I had found my Daryl. The crossbow I longed so much for rested in the palm of his hand.

"You want it. I can tell."

I hesitated. I needed my knife back. I didn't trust this Daryl. Not in this strange place.

"Just kill me." He opened his arms, exposing his chest underneath the angel wing jacket. "Please. You knew you would have to."

I felt the knife appear in my hand again. It was cold. I stepped forward. Gosh, this man was handsome.

I stepped forward again, until I was less than an inch away. I couldn't control my heartbeat as I leaned into him. I kissed his cheek first, then the corner of his mouth.
I raised the knife and pressed it to his throat. I kissed him full on the mouth while I dragged the sharp edge of the knife across his throat and I grab the bow with the other.


WELL THAT ESCALATED QUICKLY. I hope you guys continue to like this story :) I never expected this reaction in a million years. Thank you!

Love you! <3


Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now