Breaking These Walls~Chapter Nineteen

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*Maggie's POV*

Beth and I stood on the back porch while we waited on the rest of our rescue group. It wasn't a very large one. Just me, Beth, Tyreese, and Carol.

That was all we could afford. Everyone else needed to be there in case something happened. Everyone else would just get in the way too. The fewer the better.

Beth was standing there, shifting from foot to foot. She only ever did that when she was worried.

"Beth? Are you okay?," I asked.

She hesitated. "Maggie...I don't think its a good idea for you to go...Because....Well..."

For a second I didn't know. Then it hit me. She was worried about the unborn baby I was carrying.

"Beth... I can't just leave Glen out there. I don't want to be alone in this."

I whispered that last part. I meant it, more than I had ever meant anything in my life. I didn't want to be pregnant anyway. But I guess I kinda asked for it.

I remembered when I told Glen I didn't want to be afraid of living. I told him we didn't have a baby on the way, but we could have.

My world was full of regret now. What if something had happened to me or Glen? One of us could be on our own, raising a child.

Or both of us could wind up dead. What if Glen was killed by this gang and I died giving birth to his baby?

Or what if-

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the door slammed shut behind me. Tyreese and Carol stood there, guns in hand.

"Well,ladies," Tyreese said, "Let's lock and load."

*Daryl's POV*

The people that stood by the gate had jumped into action. They had guns pointed at my chest, just waiting for a chance to gun me down the same way they did Rick. I couldn't help a flicker of pure hate when I thought this.

I didn't know exactly how good of an actor I was. I had never had the urge to find out. Which was why all I had was the hope that the hate didn't show on my face.

"Easy now," I said. I raised my arms into the air, showing I meant no harm. (I kept my crossbow in my hand. That thing never leaves my side)

"I'm not gonna hurt nobody. I just need a place to sleep. I'm tired. I been travelin for miles. I've had a lot of trouble with walkers. Please. I just need a break."

They exchanged glances. "Go get him," one of them said while he gestured toward one of the large cabins.

His buddy obeyed his orders. About ten minutes later, he came back with another man. He looked like he was at least six foot five.

He was huge. His shoulders were broad. He wore blue jeans and a plaid shirt open over a white tank top.

"What are you doing here?," he asked.

"I just wanted to see if you had a spare room available. My buddy needs a place to rest.We both do."

"Your buddy? I thought you were alone."

As he said this, I noticed his teeth. They were all sharpened to points. Points that were obviously meant to shred meat. I had only ever seen stuff like that in those old freaky horror movies we used to watch.

Little things like that seemed really stupid now. How had we went from watching horror movies to living one? It wasn't fair.

"No. Haven't you seen the way the world is now? Nobody can make it on their own. Not unless you survived that way before all this happened."

The man with the pointed teeth smiled. "Fine. You and your buddy can sleep here tonight. If you try anything, we will kill you. Keep that in mind."


What do you guys think will happen? :3

Only time will tell. ;)

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It means so much to me guys. Thank you for everything. <3


Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now