Breaking These Walls~Chapter Twenty Eight

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*Daryl's POV*

My eyes snapped open. Early morning sunlight was streaming through the window. I could feel Sapphire laying beside me. And someone else near her.

I placed my hand on my crossbow, rolling away from Sapphire and straight onto my knees. I had expected to see a stranger.

Instead Maggie was on her knees with Saph's hand in her lap. She had a band tied around her arm tightly, searching for veins.

"Daryl, I need you to go back to the farm. I need an IV kit out of my Dad's stash. It should be in the basement."

"What? Why?"

She sighed. "Sapphire is dehydrated....And I need you to see if Glen made it there."

So this wasn't just about Sapphire. A long time ago, that probably would have pissed me off majorly. Now though, Glen was my brother.


I slung my crossbow over my shoulder and tied my jacket around my waist. My mind flashed back to the day Carol had been washing the blood out of it. Glad she knew what she was doing.

When I walked out the door, I smelled stew. My stomach grumbled. Man food was good.

I grabbed a small bowl of the stew. Every single warm bite felt like Heaven. Tasted like it too. It seemed like it was gone in only about five seconds.

I headed out after that. I wanted to talk to Rick about a few things anyway. So really this trip wasn't that bad.

*Glen's POV*

I was still staring at the test I had found by the time the sun came up. What the hell had just happened? What had I done?

My heart was racing. I felt like it was gonna beat fully out of my chest. I stood up and broke into a straight out run to the farm house.

When I busted through the door, Rick jumped clear to the ceiling. I had no idea where Judith or Carl was. Even though I cared in the back of my mind, it honestly was not my priority.

"Rick. I need to talk to you."

"Yeah I kinda got that." He winced when he said this. I noticed he was holding his side, and there was a light pink stain on his bandage.

"I didn't mean to scare you. But I am terrified myself."

I told the story about finding the test hidden in the pillowcase on Maggie's side of the bed. By the time I was finished, he was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.

"I know it was a stupid mistake. I can't believe this is happening."

Rick stayed quiet. I had expected some kind of reaction. Maybe some screaming, some yelling, some kind of something.

Eventually he raised his head. His blue eyes met mine. There was no accusation, no hate. Just wisdom.

"What's done is done, Glen. We need to plan now. And you need to get back to Maggie."

About that time, Daryl walked through the door. He had a crooked smile on his face when he saw Rick.

He walked over to him and hugged him. These two were brothers. Blood or no blood, they were brothers. They would give their lives for one another. That's the way this whole group is.

When they separated, Daryl started talking. "I gotta get some stuff from the basement. And I need to talk to you."

He turned to me then, and his face changed into a mask of concern. "What happened to you, Korea?"

His eyes shifted to the test in my hand. Then he looked back up at me. "Oh...Oh damn."

*Daryl's POV*

Glen knew now. I knew before he did. Since when did I become Glen? And when did Maggie become Lori?

Secrets could tear a family apart. I had seen it happen. Even in Rick's family. I remember when Rick figured out that Shane and Lori had....

"Did you know?" The accusation  in his tone was clear as day.

"I knew. Maggie didn't want to tell you because she didn't want you to be worried. I'm so-"

Glen raced forward and slammed me into the wall. My crossbow fell from my shoulder and clattered to the floor. I raised my hands, trying to show that I didn't intend to hurt him.

Rick flew into action. He grabbed Glen's shoulder and pulled him away. Then he turned him to face him.

"Glen. You need to realize that Daryl is not the problem here. Instead of worrying about revenge, you need to worry about getting back to Maggie. She needs you."

Glen just nodded before he walked out the front door. "Thanks Rick."

He motioned at me to keep going where I was going. I picked my crossbow up before heading down the hallwaay to the basement stairs.

When I got down there, I wondered how I would even find what I needed. Boxes lined the walls. There were sleeping bags and cots laid out. I remembered the group had been trying to get things together in case we had to move down here in the case of an emergency.

I went to the first few boxes and rummaged through them. All that was there was clothes. The next few boxes had canned foods or boxed foods that were now full of bugs.

The boxes after that had bandages so I grabbed them and put them in a satchel I had made out of deer skin.

The next box had what I needed. I grabbed IV bags, needles, and tubes. I was just about ready to leave when I noticed a box that was half open in the corner.

It had a label on it that read DONATIONS. I walked over to it and peered inside.

There were stuffed animals. There was a pink unicorn, a fluffy white teddy bear, and a blue dog. The dog was the color of Sapphire.

I couldn't help stooping to grab the dog before I headed back up the stairs and out the back door.


Hope you guys like this. I love you all so much and I want to thank you for the support.

I also wanted to let you know that I have no idea how I'm going to write now. My phone is tearing up and I don't know how much longer it will last.

If I don't write for a really long time, its because I can't afford this same kind of phone. My grandpa bought me this one.

I swear I am not forgetting you. I love you all and thank you for everything.


Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now