Breaking These Walls~Chapter Ten

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*Sapphire's POV*

Boom boom boom

Daryl's heart was beating softly under my ear. I smiled, remembering the events of last night.

I nestled deeper into the skin on his chest. He was like a big, cuddly teddy bear. Raising my head gently off of his body, I looked at his face. He was so innocent and sweet looking when he slept.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when the door flew open. I quickly rolled off Daryl, grabbing a blanket to cover my bare chest. Glen was standing in the doorway, a shocked and embarrassed expression on his face.

My cheeks were burning. Now the whole camp would know.

"Damn Korea, don't you ever knock?" , Daryl said. I looked at him. He had woken up when Glen had opened the door.

"I'm sorry Daryl. It's just that, yesterday you mentioned going and finding Rick and Carl. We also need some meat, so I figured we could go on a hunting trip. We could look for them while we hunt."

Daryl nodded. "Okay. But seriously, please learn to knock. You're lucky you didn't interrupt anything. I would have had to kill you."

After Glen closed the door, I laughed. He had looked terrified when Daryl said that. A small smile played on Daryl's lips as he leaned over me, kissing me.

"Can we have a round two before we get ready for this trip?"

*Daryl's POV*

I stood up, grabbing my clothes before I headed to the bathroom. I couldn't stop smiling like an idiot.

After I was dressed, I walked outside. Everyone was sitting around the bus, eating cans of food they had salvaged from the prison.

"Listen up!," I yelled. "Sapphire, Glen, and me are going to look for Rick and Carl. They are out there somewhere. We don't leave our family behind."

Elaine lowered her eyes when I said that. She was the one that had taken the bus, leaving me, Beth, Sapphire, Rick, Carl, Sasha, Tyreese, and Judith behind. She had left us there to die.

Nevermind that now. It wasn't important.

"Maggie and Beth are in charge while I'm gone. When we get back, we'll organize a new council. We lost many of the members during the fight, some before that because of a stupid mistake."

My heart ached at the thought of Carol. I missed her. What was I going to do if I found her? She had been here longer than Saph. Then again, she wasn't here now. What was I going to do if she did come back, though?

"Daryl? Daryl!"

Somebody was calling my name sharply, snapping me out of my internal battles.

I turned to face Maggie. "I need to talk to you."

*Rick's POV*

Carl woke me up. "Shhhhhh!", he said, his index finger pressed to his lips. I sat up quietly. "What's wrong,?" I mouthed to my son.

Pointing towards the window, he mouthed back, "Walkers!"

I pulled the curtain aside. It was all I could do not to grab my son and run out the back door. We couldn't see anything but walkers for a long way. They were knocking down trees here and there from all the pressure of their bodies.

I stared on in horror. There was no way we were getting out of this one if they heard us.

A loud crash sounded through the house. I cursed silently, turning my head to look at my son. He had dropped his gun onto the floor.

Walkers started banging on the windows, on the doors, the walls. Dust started falling, along with wood chips. They broke the window right beside the bed I was sitting in. Glass shattered all over me.

I jumped out of bed, feeling the glass slice my skin as I did so. Great, I thought. This'll really help us get away.

Carl opened the back door.

We ran away from the walkers. From the only shelter we had.


Boring chapter guys sorry lol.

Next one should be better. :)


Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now