Breaking These Walls~Chapter Sixty Five

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*Sapphire's POV*

Daryl had been gone for twenty four hours now. Some women from around the town had come to keep my company while he was gone. That didn't stop the nervous feeling creeping into the pit of my stomach. It made my babies kick out in protest.

"Sapphire! Lacey just had an amazing idea!"

I must have drifted more than I thought. It wasn't easy to focus on the excited chit chat in the room when there was a chance that....

"We want to throw you a baby shower." Lacey looked at me with hopeful eyes. "Please? There's plenty of baby stuff left over. Not many people around here want to have children, let alone are expecting two. You deserve this. You've been through a lot."

I bit my lip. I barely knew these people. Why would they want to give me a shower?

"Um....If you guys can find time to...Then sure. I could go for one I guess."

Excitement bloomed behind Lacey's seaweed green eyes. "Yay! Linda come here. We need to make some plans!"

While the women discussed snacks, games, and who should be on the guest list for the shower, I turned my head to face out the window. I could see a tiny blue dot walking in the distance. More than likely Rick out patrolling.

Daryl had to be okay. He just had to be okay.

*Rick's POV*

The afternoon sun warmed my back while I walked down the street. I took a deep breath in, and let it out slowly. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night. Too many thoughts of bare skin and kissing ran in circles.

I was passing Jesse's house when I heard screaming. A woman, and a kid. I ran to the window on the front porch to peer in.

The man that had come to get Jesse from the party had his fist raised with something solid looking in it. He was reared back, about to hit Jesse over the head with it. Their son was in between them, pushing desperately on his father's stomach to save his mother.

Tearing my eyes away from the window, I ran for the door. I put all of my weight and force into the kick. The door busted inwards, sending splinters and dust into the room.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!", I screamed. "You don't hit your wife and your kids! You don't get it do you?! This world is fucked up enough without men beating their wives!"

The rage he had shown toward Jesse with the object raised in his hand melted into a sadistic smile. "She doesn't want me to change. She could leave if she got tired of this. But she loves me too much to go. She likes being with me. Don't you, sweetheart?"

Jesse was on her knees, cradling her sons head to her chest. She didn't bother looking up or replying.

"Answer me," the man said.

When she still didn't acknowledge his question, the anger appeared on his face again. He threw the heavy object I had seen in his hands at her.

Red flooded my vision as I threw myself at the man with all of my body weight. I got my arms around his body, and flipped him over my shoulder. His foot caught me and I tumbled to the ground with him.

He was back on his feet in a matter of seconds. His nostrils flared like an angry bull's. I scrambled to my feet, bracing myself for the impact that was sure to come.

He lunged at me, and I sidestepped. He collapsed into the counter that led into the kitchen attached to the living room. This time, instead of jumping at me, he simply ran.

The weight of his body slamming into my own sent us flying into one of the windows. It shattered, and we flew down the steps, all the way into the middle of the street, tangled up in a mass of sweat, clothing, and skin.

Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now