Breaking These Walls~Chapter Thirteen

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*Daryl's POV*

Rick was sound asleep. He was pale as a ghost. I didn't think I could handle it if I lost him too. I'm just glad Carol was there to help. She moved carefully away from him, her hands covered in blood, her face almost completely green.

She walked out the back door. Maggie knelt down by Rick and felt his throat. My spine stiffened immediately, afraid of what her diagnosis would be. She loosened up and let out a breath she must have been holding.

"He's alive. Let's hope he stays that way."

I nodded quietly, grabbing my angel wings jacket off the ground. It was soaked in Rick's blood. There wasn't really much since in keeping it anymore.

I stepped out the back door, planning on taking the jacket and throwing it down one of the wells or into the nearby river.

Carol glanced at me as I walked by, the jacket swinging by my side, my crossbow over my shoulder. "I'm glad you're alive...", she whispered.

I stopped and looked at her. Her eyes met mine. "You too, Carol."

She smiled sweetly. My heart basically skipped a beat. I never really knew how much I had missed her until now.

"Where are you going?," she asked me.

"I gotta get rid of this thing. I'm not sure walkers can smell blood, but if they can, there's no point in keeping this. It's ruined."

She stepped forward. "Daryl, that jacket is not ruined. It's a part of you. You can't get rid of that. It would be like getting rid of you."

I watched her leaning walk, her eyes brightening as she stepped closer. Her hand reached out, pulling my ruined jacket out of my hands. She walked towards the woods, towards the river. She looked back at me, smiling.

"I'm not going to fix this jacket by myself. Come on."

*Sapphire's POV*

Tyreese and Carol had went back to the farm already, taking the kids with them. Carl had stayed with me. I looked back at him, his blue eyes deeply troubled under his shaggy black hair. I felt for this kid. He had been through and lost so much.

"I'm sure your Dad is gonna-"

"Save it, Sapphire. I'm done hoping for anything good to happen. You know as well as I do, that anytime we get our hopes up, something else bad happens. My mother is dead, my little sister is dead, and now, my Dad is probably dead."

"Wait a minute. You think Judith is dead? Carl, she's at the farm. I managed to get her out of her car seat and away from all the walkers."

He stopped. "You are lying. She's dead."

"Carl.", I said, "I am not a perfect human being. But I can tell you that I would never lie to you about something like this. She is at the farm with everyone else. She is fine. Just like your father is gonna be."

He smiled just as a walker came out of the shadows behind him. "Carl!," I screamed.

He turned around quickly, his face going white in horror. He tried to run, but there were roots all over the place. He tripped right underneath the walker.

*Daryl's POV*

Me and Carol walked through the woods quietly, reaching a small stream in a matter of minutes. Carol leaned down and picked rocks up off the ground, arranging them in a small circle in the middle of the stream.

She then took the jacket, and balled it up in the middle of the circle of stones.

The blood started coming out of the jacket, streaming out into the water in thin crimson strings. The wings turned back to their original color, the brown material turning lighter.

We sat quietly, watching the jacket return to normal. The woods were getting dark, the moon rising like a huge white plate in the sky.

We both looked up at it through a split in the branches. It truly was beautiful.

I looked at Carol then. Remembering how I hated the man that beat her and her little girl. The way losing Sohia had hurt her. The way I had searched night and day to see that we got her back safe. The way she had cried while I held her and Rick put a bullet in her daughter's brain.

And I kissed her.


HAVEN'T UPDATED IN FOREVER! I'm so sorry lovelies. it's been a rough couple of months.

Have you seem this season though?!?! The FEELS on the Beth and Daryl episode. That was amazing.


Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now