Breaking These Walls~Chapter Nine

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*Carl's POV*

Dad fell asleep again after he had that nightmare. I looked up at the sky, and prayed for the first time in ages. I didn't know what else to do.

"God, please. If you're up there, tell me what to do. Because I don't know anymore. I lost my mother. I almost lost my father. And my baby sister is nowhere to be found. Please let her be okay. Someway, somehow, please let her have made it out. Please."

No response. To be honest, I never expected one.

*Daryl's POV*

Sapphire, Beth, Judith and I had been walking for a long time. We were almost to the borders of the farm. We were passing the creek I had fallen into when I was looking for Sophia. That was a painful day.

"Maybe you two should wait here. I'm quiet, and fast on my feet. I don't plan on jumping the fence until I am sure it's clear, but for all we know they might have patrols, or the fences might even be gone from all the walkers. Better to be safe than sorry."

They quietly agreed. I looked at each of them in turn.

Beth. The strong teenager who had lost just about everything, but kept it together for a baby who wasn't even related to her.

Judith. The sweet innocent baby who's father was my best friend, my brother.

And Sapphire. The woman who I rescued, but somehow she wound up rescuing me.

I couldn't live with myself if something happened to any of them. I was responsible for their lives, much like an army captain. I would lay down my life for them, which is exactly what I was about to do.

I left them sitting there. Beth had her pistol, Sapphire had her knife. I really needed to give them those bow lessons soon.

About thirty minutes later, I reached the fence. It was still intact, with a few drooping wires here and there. The barn was gone, merely a pile of ashes. The farm house was still there, standing tall. Thank God for that at least.

I didn't see any vehicles. Didn't hear any voices. Didn't hear any growling.

I took my bow off my shoulder. I was going in.

After jumping the fence, I tip toed toward the ashes that had once been the barn. You could see bones from the walkers Rick and Carl had lured in there to burn.

Soon I was at the farm house. It looked pretty much unscathed. I went inside. It smelled old, damp even.

I was upstairs when I heard it. A motor. A running motor. I quickly ran downstairs, pressing my back to the wall beside the door. Leaning around the banister covered side, I checked to see who was out there.

It was a bus. Our bus. The one everybody was supposed to evacuate on.

People started filing off of it. Most of them were from Woodbury, people I hadn't really paid enough attention to to learn their names.

The last person off had shaggy black hair,dark skin, and almond eyes.

I had to fight to keep from crying when I opened the door. Glen turned, looking at me like he couldn't believe what he saw.

I ran to him, throwing my bow down. I smiled so big my jaw felt like it was gonna break in half. I had my little Korean buddy back.

*Sapphire's POV*

It had been about 45 minutes since Daryl had went to see about the farm. I knew it would take a while for him to get there and back without any transportation. I still couldn't help but worry about him though. He meant a lot to me.

After another thirty minutes, Beth and I started hearing footsteps. Multiple ones. She raised her tiny pistol, while I raise my knife. When we saw who stepped out from the cover of the trees, our jaws dropped.

It was Maggie and Sasha. Crying, we ran to them. It was an emotional reunion, with nothing but tears for about fifteen minutes. Then, we started hearing more footsteps.

Daryl was the first one I saw. Then Glen.

Maggie turned around slowly when she saw how I was smiling. "Glen!!!", she exclaimed as she threw her arms around his neck.

I walked up to Daryl. "So I take it the farm is safe?"

He nodded, smiling. "It's more than safe. It's perfect. The walkers have moved on, but the house is still there, as is most of the prison group. We're only missing a few people now. Those that were killed, and Rick and Carl."

His eyes turned sad when he said that. Rick was like his brother. He had been there for Daryl through everything that had happened. He was a good friend to us all. As was Carl. We had to find them. We had to. I knew Rick had lost it when Lori died. He probably thought Judith was dead. I could only imagine what he was like now.

"We'll find them, Daryl. We will. You know he is strong, you know Carl is too. If anybody made it out, you know they did."

He smiled a little. "Yeah, maybe you're right. We can go out looking for them soon. But for tonight, I think we all need to get some rest. It's been a long journey."

*Daryl's POV*

Everyone rejoiced that night. We were all back together. I had my Korean buddy back, Beth had Judith and her sister, Glen had his girl, and I had mine. She was on my arm all night that night. She was so beautiful.

When it was time to go to bed, she grabbed my hand. We went upstairs to Hershel's old room. My heart ached at the thought of the old man. He was a hero. Always had been, since we met him. He had saved little Carl's life. He had brought Rick back from everything that happened.

Once we were upstairs, she closed the door behind us. She pushed me down on the bed, sitting down beside me.

She kissed me on my mouth. I kissed her back, my hand holding her cheek as I did so.

It was the best night of my life.


So we all know what happened after that last little thought. :)

Daryl has finally let Sapphire break down a little bit of the wall between them, at least physically. Can he let her do the same mentally? Or will there be another disaster that makes him clam up even worse?

We shall see peeps :) we shall see.


Breaking These Walls (Daryl Dixon) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now