Val x stolas's sister reader

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Requested by:HuskerRadioDust

I love you big bird

Y/n's pov
Sneaking into my father's study was hard. Harder than I expected, especially with Stolas around. "Y/n? What are you doing in father's study?" I fell off the ladder landing on my tail feathers, "ouch!" I stood up wobbly "uh, I- I should ask you the same thing!" he crossed his arms, "your not visiting that scum bag Val again are you?" I scoffed "puh-please and your little imp ain't scum? He stole my necklace Val gave to me." I placed my hand on my hip, Stolas rolled his eyes "dad's gonna find out sooner or later I'm just letting you know." I held my hand out, he sighed and handed me the grimoire. I smiled and ran off towards dad's bathroom and flipped the book open.

Val's pov
I sighed and flopped down on my love seat. "Hey Val... Hard day?" I jumped off the love seat and fell onto the floor "big Bird(nickname)! What the fuck! You can't do that!" she giggled, her tail feathers fluffing up slightly. "Well, it's good to see you too Val." she smiled at me and stood up, "anyways how is vox?" she sat down in my chair looking through some of my papers "man, your job is booooring. Lets go do something fun! Like messing with al!" I smiled down at her "hmm, now that sounds like fun!" she smirked as she brought out her father's grimoire and opened a portal to his office. I grabbed a small wolf pup and gave it to her. I watched as she tossed the pup into the portal and a few seconds later al's screams can be heard the pup is tossed back into my office as he closes the portal. We laugh as velvet comes in, I fiddle around with my thumbs, I look at y/n who is talking on the phone with her father I guess. "Lucifer, why don't you just tell her how you feel?!" velvet exclaims. "I can't just up and tell her! She's part of the ars goetia family! She's paimon's daughter!" I whisper shout as I look at y/n who is still talking to her father. "So? Why can't you guys have a secret relationship with her like Stolas does with that imp?" I opened my mouth than closed it, "i-... Good point." I turn to y/n only to come face to face with paimon "so, this is where you've been running off to? Leaving your goetia duties for a common sinner that flaunts so little wealth. This will no longer be a thing from now on you are too put your duties above everyone! Do you hear me y/n? You've disappointed me dearly. I thought you were better than your brother but I guess not. We're leaving and your never coming back." she bows her head and follows her father through the portal. That was the last time I saw her.

Y/n's pov
I bowed down letting father place his crown onto my head. He was giving me his kingdom, my duties were to watch over nature and pollution in earth and here. And pollution doesn't rest not for a bit, it was exhausting ruling over a ring. Especially when my brother was able to run off and enjoy being treated normal while I was being feared, "miss y/n, you have a visitor." the butler bowed, I nodded "thank you for telling me vix, now how about you help yourself to the tea and crackers I made." he nodded and sat down on my chair as I left towards the entrance, I passed a bunch of empty rooms nobody ever uses. Why would anybody need this many rooms? I opened the doors from my throne room to find a tall purple moth holding a bouquet of roses. "Val?" he looked away from my small black fox to me. A smile on his face "y/- I mean your majesty I brought you roses." he bowed and held out his roses, I giggled and took them "oh, please just y/n val, no need for formalities." I placed the roses into a vase next to my throne, I had an extra made just encase I found someone I loved. "Y/n right uh, i- I need to tell you something big bird." she huffed "man, you haven't forgotten That nickname have you." he shook his head as he approaches me, I sat down on my throne as he cleared his throat "i- uh, know I'm not the best person. But, even if you don't feel the same way I do big bird, I need you to know I love you. Now, I'll just-!" I smiled and teleported him in front of me, he stiffened as I leaned in "i love you too val, now are you going to take your place next to me?" he smiled as I set him on the floor. Standing up he dusted himself off and took a seat next to me.

Sorry if it sucks it's currently 3:10 am
Word count 856

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