yandere Stolas x hybrid reader

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Requested by Zoeyfoxzoona509

My pet~

Y/n's pov
I leaned back in my seat, listening to valentino. "So-?" I stopped him "listen, as much as I should say yes. I'm not that interested in being your guard dog." He frowned, "and why not? I Can pay handsomely and not like the other demons who can." I rolled my eyes and fiddled around with the plastic wrapped around the chair, mostly keeping my tail from burning all his nice furniture. "Listen, man. I'm not like others, if you were to hire me, I'd burn up all your furniture. Just imagine how much you'd have to invest in plastic wraps." He sighed and leaned back into his love seat. "Come on y/n. How long are you going to keep rejecting my offer? Me and you both now this little sherade, isn't going to last long." He leaned forward, wearing a smug grin. "And who else would help you through your heats? In sure as hell everybody's terrified of a fire being. Especially a hellhound for one." I shuffled uncomfortably, "how do you-?" he grinned "I know about your heats? I read it in a book I purchased. And I know for one it's hard for hellhounds. But since your a hybrid its gonna be even harder, I mean you'd have to fine a suitable mate with the same high sex-drive as you." I narrowed my eyes at him. "Oh, please. And you can help find me a mate? I doubt that anybody here is even willingly to work for you let alone be my mate." His office door opened to reveal his pet: Angel dust. The freak was obessed with me, and when I say obessed. I mean obessed. "Hey Val. Y/n~" he purred out my name, his eyes filling with lust. Val grinned "speaking of a high sex-drive, I believe you know angel dust right?" I nodded reluctantly, eyeing Angel dust as he blew a kiss to me. "Unfortunately vary well. He had found me during one of my many heats." I left it at that. Not interested in telling him the rest, Val grinned at Angel dust "Angel cakes, would you be interested in being y/n's mate? I mean I have a pretty high sex-drive but I don't want my balls burned off to a crisp." Angel dust chuckled, "I don't mind being they're mate~" he purred, I shuffled further into my seat, " er- so I'm just going to going now-" I bolted out of the chair before Angel dust could touch me, I ran out the door and out of the building. A fire trail following behind me, I pushed past overlords and imps. But one decided to hang on to me. "Heeeey!- oh fuck!" He clung to my tail, my flames engulfing the poor imp. I turned a corner, hoping the imp would let go but he just held on tighter. "Man, let go!" I shouted over my shoulder, "are you y/n?" the imp questioned loudly as he scrambled up my tail and onto my back. I slow my running, checking behind me every few minutes. "Uh yeah. And you are?" the imp grinned and hopped off my back, "the names Blitzø, the 'o' is silent." I bite back a frown. "There's an 'o'?" He grins and slaps his hand against my back "Well, thank you. Anyways-" he moved back, fixing his suit. 'there's an 'o'?' he clears his throat snapping me out of my thoughts. "I work/own the building called I.M.P! And I heard from my sweet loony that you were an amazing assassin! And I was wondering-" he played around with his fingers for a momment. "-if you'd like to join our group!" He throws his arms out "and become a part of our family!" He smiles. 'family. Never had one of those before,' I rub the back of my neck. "Hmm... How good is the pay?" blitzø clasped his hands together. "It's about two hundred a month, maybe more if the cilent is rich." He shoved his hand into his pocket pulling out a contract. "Honestly, I'm not gonna blame you if you don't want to join our group. We don't get a lot of cilents, the only one we get us stolas, and that's just to be a bodyguard." I perked up slightly. "So that's it, no huge explanation as to why I should join you? No bribery?" I took the contract out of his hands along with the pen. He shrugged "why? Was I supposed to do that?" I shook my head, a soft smile on my lips. "No, no. It's nice for once not be thrown cash or 'potential' mates." I signed the contract and held it out for him to take. He grinned His eyes sparkling. "Great! So do you have an apartment around here?"

"Y/n... Y/n?... Y/N!" I jolted out of bed, falling face first onto the floor. 'I'm starting to regret telling Blitzø where I live.' I thought bitterly "what do you want Blitzø, it's the week and we have no work whatsoever." I stood up, cringing at the now burnt floors. "That's gonna cost alot to repair." I muttered softly. Blitzø let go of the ceiling and fell onto my bed, bouncing off of it. "Well, I know today is our week off-" I grumbled, my ears pinned to the sides of my head, my fur becoming a hot red-ish orange. The flames becoming hotter, I snapped "just get to the fucking point Blitzø before I turn you into a meat pretzel." I crossed my arms over my chest. He shrunk down slightly. "Uh, Stolas called he wanted you to accompany him today." I groaned, "seriously? Its 1:00 am in the morning. What type of psychopath is up doing stuff this late!" He chuckled and fiddled around with his finger. "Yeaaah, um, he's outside waiting for you." I groaned once more and faceplanted into my bed, my tail's flames dimming ever so slightly. "Oh, come on y/n. I go with him all the time! He's not that bad! Not if you wear wireless earbuds that is." his hands grabbed ahold of my tail, pulling me out of bed slowly and onto the ground. "Y/nnnn! Don't make this more difficult that it has to beee!" He whined out, pulling harder at my tail. I huffed and stayed in the ground "you'll have to drag me to my untimely demise." I growled out. Which he did. The floor and stairs became charred as I tried to cling to the railing or the door frame. Blitzø grunted as he pulled with all his might, dragging me out the door and onto the cold pavement. "Ah~ Y/n, there you are darling. I was getting worried you weren't going to come out." Stolas cooed as he bent down to my level and stroked my red-ish orange feathers that laid flat on my head, contrasting oddly well with the fur on my neck. My fur and feathers bristled at his touch, his slender fingers slid underneath my chin forcing me to look up at him. "Now darling. I just need you to accompany me to my home, me and via had planned to go to the movies but she took off back home while I was waiting for her." my gut churned, I stood up slowly, my feathers and fur laying flat. His fingers dug into my chin as he cooed softly, Blitzø left towards his van, driving off fast. I yanked my head away from his grip, blood dripping down his slender fingers. He scowled slightly before smiling, "well, let's get going!" He turned his caps flowing behind him hitting me in the face lightly. I grumbled and ran after him, keeping pace as he slowed down. "So, darling-" I sighed "it's y/n. Just y/n. No 'darling' or 'dearest' shit. Just y/n." he frowned, his eyes narrowing as he tsked me. "Now, darling. Don't be like that." he fake pouted. His eyes suddenly becoming watery and glassy, "I was just going to ask if you and Blitzø were together." my fur stood on end, my ears pinning themselves against my head as my tail's flames spiked up. "What?! Ew no! He's too old for me!" I exclaimed, extremely grossed out. He hummed, satisfied with the answer. "Really? He seems so close to you though." he hummed in thought. I stayed silent as we walked to his home, approaching the gates. All the way from here I could hear Stella yelling and screaming profanitys to the heavens above. A flower vase was thrown out the window, "well, looks like Stella is having a blast." Stolas muttered, watching her silhouette throw more vases out the window. "Man, you must have a major headaches coming home to see that." I pointed up to the window. He opened the gates, "would you join me for tea?" it sounded more like a demand then a question. And I didn't really have a choice either, "uh, sure!" I forced a smile upon my snout, my feathers raising slightly as I walked past the gate. The gate slammed shut behind me, locking itself as stolas strides towards the door. Humming happily, I trot after him, my stomach churing more. He opened the door, the house was oddly quiet. 'is Stella sleeping?' I think to myself. The while place smelled rancid, it smelled like death. The place was dark, stolas's eyes and my feathers being the only source of light. "Uh, stolas-?!" I turned to face him only for him to be right up in my face. His beak lightly nudging my nose as he speaks "yes my pet?" my stomach churned and I felt like I was going to throw up. "Why is it so dark? And why does it-" I took a sniff looking around the dark house "-smell like someone died here?" He pulled his face away, grinning coyly. "Why don't you find out for yourself darling~" he urshed me towards a door, opening I'm met with a sight. Val, laying on the ground, dead. Right besides Stella. "H- how?!" I cried out. "Didn't I just see her?!" Stolas chuckled and walked in front of me. "Illusions are hella' easy to do my pet." in his hands he held a collar covered in jewels that sparkled brightly. I backed up, my back hit the door. My breathing picked up as he forcefully put the collar around my neck, his fingers wrapped around the chain. "Come now, pet~ we have training to do~" He cooed softly tugging me towards the door.

Word count 1785.

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