yandere husk x hybrid reader

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Requested by: ScarlettAlexandra8

(Reader is part angel and part demon.)


Also slight lime which might turn into a lemon, depends on my mood and if the setting of the story is right

Husk sighed dreamily, wondering when you'd come out of you're room.

You were such a shy thing, hiding behind your black and white wings when uncomfortable or uneasy.

The first few times you both interacted was short, only ever saying "good morning," "goodnight," and "afternoon."

The odd time you both fully spoke was when you helped him out at the bar, making some small talk.

He traced a claw across the counter, making your face out of the spilled booze.

Making sure to put freckles and any little details he might've left out.

He effortlessly made you're form, it had gotten increasingly easy to draw or sketch you with all the time he's been observing you from the bar.

He put extra detail into your multicolored wings.

"Um, husk? Can I ask you to do a favor for me?"

Charlie spoke up nervously, knowing that husk has quiet the temper.

His ears flicked back, looking up at Charlie disinterested in what she wanted.

"What? What do you want."

He spoke, annoyed.

Charlie cleared her throat, twiddling her fingers.

"I-... Uh, n- need you t-... To check on y/n, just, make sure she's okay."

Husk perked up at the sound of your name, he's been meaning to check out your room while you slept.

"Hmm... Fine."

Charlie smiled walking away holding her clipboard as husk stood up, stretching his wings out listening to the satisfying sound of it pop.

Settling his wings back into they're place he scurried off to your room, excitement coursing through his veins.

He only caught glimpses of your tail and your horns.

Now he'd be able to see it up close and not from outside you're window or from the bar.

Stopping outside your door, he could already smell you, the soft scent of villinla coming from your room.

He rapped his knuckles against your door, listening to the sound of your foot falls coming closer.

He quickly fixed his tie and fluffed up the tufts of fur on his cheek.


You asked, opening the door fully, you were getting dressed when someone had knocked on your door, not wanting to keep them waiting you wrapped your wings around you naked form and headed off to answer the door.

Your tail wrapped itself around your leg as you opened the door.

Husk felt the wind and life leave him,
He hasn't expected to get an eyeful, But he didn't mind, beats being forced to take pictures of you hidden in the steam of your shower.


You asked, watching as he looked you up and down a couple of times before clearing his throat.

"I- Uh... Came to see if, you're doing fine..."

He trailed off, his gaze wondering to your smooth slender legs, 'causing a tent to rise in his pants.

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