yandere alastor x fem human reader

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Requested by: Trixie090
(side note: Vaggie and Charlie aren't together, you and Charlie are.)

Forced to stand by you
Charlie sighed, exhausted.

Vaggie stormed into the hotel pushing past Angel dust hugging angerliy.

"Hey hon, is everything alright?"

She smiled and turned to you, you were her only beacon of joy and happiness in her life, and her parents like you so that's a plus.

"Yeah, just today didn't go as well as I thought it would."

You smiled, approaching the taller woman.

"Yeah, I- uh, hehe- I saw."

You grabbed her hand, holding it in your smaller one as you rubbed circles into her palm.

"Look- Katie killjoy had no right to treat you the way she did. And if I was a demon or overlord her head would be mounted to the wall of shit-heads. So, if you want me and Angel dust to-"

Charlie smiled placing a kiss onto your forehead.

"Now, now, let's not go hopping on to murder, alright?"

You chuckled nodding softly, ignoring Angel dust's hoots and whistles.

"Now, I'm going to go call my mother and... Ask how her day Was."

You nodded, watching as charlie took her phone out and headed outside, leaving you, Angel dust, and Vaggie alone in the room.

"So- how about a threesome?"

Angel dust started, dodging another thrown blade.

"Hey! It was only a question!"

You rolled your eyes, moving towards the old run down bar, taking a seat on a red stool.

Charlie sighed, looking down at her phone as she was yet again set straight to her mail box.

Putting the phone up to her ear she began to speak.

"Hey, ma. It's me again, just wanted to see if we could talk but it seems like your busy. And-... And maybe you and dad were right, I'm not cut out for this... Anyways- call me back when you have the chance, bye."

Charlie hung up, turning her phone off and heading back into the hotel.

You turned your head towards her, watching as she sighed, leaning her head up against the door closing her eyes.

Charlie steps back as Knicks are heard coming from the door.

Hesitantly she opens the door.


She slams the door, turning back to look at you then going back to the door and opening it.


Slamming it once more she quickly walks to the lobby looking at you and Vaggie.

"Y/n, Vaggie the radio Demon is here and at the door."

She makes a large grin mimicking him, before dropping her hands down to her side.


Vaggie shot up, looking at Charlie.

"What do I do?!"

Vaggie spoke in a paniced voice.

"Well don't let him in!"

She turned to you, waiting for a reply.

You stood up from your seat and moved towards the door, your girlfriend following behind closely.

You opened the door, only to face a tall broad chest.

hazbin hotel x reader one shots (book One)Where stories live. Discover now