alastor x shy female reader

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Requested by: RadioHuskerDust

I'd love to go with you

Y/n's pov
'alright, you got this.'

Taking a deep breath, and holding onto the card Charlie gave you, you approached alastor.

'what if I screw it up? What if he says no?'

Alastor's back was to me as he hummed.

"Um, a- alastor?"

He turned around to face me, his grin bigger than before.

I shrunk back slightly, "yes little doe?"

"I- uh, w- was w- w- wondering i- i- if... Uh, y- you'd-"

My face was red, his eyes were boring into me with curiosity.

I couldn't take it, my heart was pounding in my chest and-


I jumped three feet in the air, my ears pinned against my head as scurried off into my hotel room.

Alastor's pov
Angel dust watched her leave, a frown on his face.

A small card slowly dropped onto the grown behind Angel dust, and as much as I would prefer to stay several hundred feet away from him, this card piqued my interest.

Bending down, I picked up the little card.

Fliping it open it was an invitation to the upcoming ball.

Why hadn't I realized before? This would've saved y/n from the mini panic attack she was probably having.

I slapped my hand across my face, 'how could have I been this stupid?'

Oh well, all will be fixed.

Brushing past Angel dust and prancing up the stairs happily, I knocked on her hotel room's door.

She peaked out, "y- yes?"

I held up the invitation.

"You dropped this."

She reached her hand out shyly grabbing the card.


I hummed, twirling my mic staff around.

"You wanted to ask me something? Perhaps about the ball?"

She nodded.

"Yeah, I was going to ask you if you wanted to come with me."

I nodded, extending my hand out towards her, placing my mic staff in the other hand.

"Well, then before the ball starts how about we go get some lavender tea."

She nodded, taking a hold of my hand gently.

I grinned, pulling her next to me, I listened as she spoke about her second job outside of the hotel, her eyes sparkling brightly.

I placed my free hand into my pocket and pulled out my invitation Charlie gave me.

'well, looks like I don't need this anymore.'

I placed it back into my pocket as we strode into the kitchen.

Word count 415
Sorry this took so long and that it's short.

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