yandere Loona x fem Cerberus reader

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Requested by Zoeyfoxzoona509

Stay out of my way

Moxxie's pov
"Millie, I'm sick of Blitzø hiding in our fridge or on the roof. I was thinking we could get a hell hound." millie sighed as she tossed a piece of carrot into the pot "are you sure sweety? They cost an awful lot." I nodded as I put my coat on. "Yes, I'm sure. I'm so sick of finding Blitzø in our fridge." she nodded "well, if you do get a hellhound make sure she's nice."

"Uhh, do you have anything else that's friendly?" this was the tenth hellhound I had rejected. All of them were either deformed or aggressive. "Fine." the old lady led me down another hall. In each of the cells were angry looking hellhounds. Growling and scratching at the ground, bags underneath they're bloodshot eyes. "This one is Steven. He's good protection." she curtly said, disinterest in her voice. "Um-" I took a closer look into the cell. "Who is sge?" I pointed past Steven to a shadow in the back of the tiny cell. I caught a glimpse of her tail. It was black and sleek. Smoother than a hellhounds tail. "Oh? Y/n? She's  Cerberus's sibling. He left her here since he couldn't take care of her. Sad honestly." I looked back at the old lady "how much for her?" she pulled out a key and placed it into the key hole "shes on the house. I'm just glad your taking this runt off our hands. She's been scaring off potenional buyers ever since she came here." she opened the cell door, Steven growled at me before curling up on the bed. The shadowy figure shifted into a corner farther from me "h- hi, my name is Moxxie what's yours-!" she snapped her jaws at me. Six red eyes bored into me, all of her teeth gleaming. "Uhhh- hello?" I took a step back and waved at her from my spot, least I want my hand bit off. "What do you want?" she growled out, I paled as she stepped out of the shadows. I thought she were mutated but no, even worser. She had three heads. I thought she were some kind of dog-spider hybrid. "Oh! Oh, uh- I'm here to take you home... Hehe." I chuckled nervously, my tail tucking itself between my legs. "... And why should I listen to you?" she stepped closer, two of they're heads snapping at me. "Uh- be- be uh- because I said so! That's why." I puffed my chest out. But I slowly shrunk as she thruster her faces close to mine. Her teeth vary vary sharp up close, "vary well. I'll follow you, but know this: I am my own person. I'm not an object for you to just chuck at an on coming enemy. I deserve respect just like the rest of yous." they straightened up. My mouth and throat were dry, she quirked her brows at me "Well? Are you going to go or not?" I nodded and walked out, my legs shaking as she walked behind me quietly. "Your alive? Hmm, she usually kills the first thing that enters her shared cell." the old lady commented. I feel like throwing up. "You alright there son? Your looking pretty pale there. You don't have to take her home if you want, Most buyers don't anyways." I nodded and walked down the row of cells. Ignoring the growls and snarls of the other hellhounds. "Soo, y/n. Your job is just to make sure my crazy boss isn't in my home. And if he is. I want you to kick his ass." she nodded, her ears twitching. "That's it? You could've gotten any one of these disgusting slobs. Why me?" I shrugged "I dunno. I just felt like I needed to get you." she rolled her eyes as she strode out of the building. "Are you even a demon? Your sounding pretty soft. Like a cherub." I scoffed. "Don't take my pity as kindness now." she narrowed her eyes at me. "Oh believe me, I won't."

"Oh my gosh! They're adorable!" Millie pulled y/n down to her height and kissed each of her heads noses. "Millie. You've been doing this for a good... Two hours straight. Sheneed rest." her eyes and ears drooped. But her tail was wagging viciously. "Can they sleep with us?" millie begged, she held her heads close. "Pleeeease!" I caved "fine." she tugged her towards our room. I stayed out and grabbed a glass of cold water. "Man... What did I get myself into?"

It was weird, y'know. Sleeping with y/n in our room. Millie slept fine though, I listened to y/n's soft movements. Waiting for her to pounce and kill me. But nothing happened. She slept soundly. In the morning she were gone, standing in the living cornering Blitzø "wha- hey now. L- let's talk about this-" "no. I was given orders to drive you away or beat you. I Like the second one though." she grinned as the two heads snapped her jaws closer to Blitzø, Blitzø dove between her legs and ran out the door. "I Like you already." I smiled and patted her back. She scoffed, but I swore I saw a ghost of a smile flash across her face before it vanished. "Yeah? whatever."

For the past months Millie and y/n grew close. Millie treated y/n like a daughter while y/n treated millie like a mother... Sorta. "Stop moving." "than stop being annoying." I sat and watched as Millie placed little pink bows into y/n's fur. "There! You look so cute-?" I jumped slightly as a crash came from the front door. It was loona. Her ears were pinned to her head and her lips were curled in a snarl, "what do you-?!" she lifted me up by my collar. "Listen here fatty!" she shook me violently as she spoke harshly "I'm the only one that can give Blitzø a beating. And if you think getting some hellhound to scare me off is going to work your s-?" "the fuck are you doing to my father? I'm the only one that can scare the ever living shit outta him. So, get lost Bitch." Loona dropped me as she stared at y/n, her tail moved back and forth But her ears stayed pinned to the side of her head. "And who are you?" y/n rolled her eyes, her other heads snarling at Loona. "I'm y/n. Now, Get out." Loona stammered out something as y/n shoved Her out the front door and slammed it shut. "Now, how about breakfast?"

Loona's pov
I sat there on the ground in shock. I stood up slowly, my legs wobbled. I peaked through moxxie's window. The girl picked Moxxie up and set him on his feet. My tail wagged lightly, "watcha lookin' at sweety?" I grumbled as Blitzø popped up beside me "Oh... Its her... Yeah good luck." he took off. His arm in a sling, "dumbass." I muttered and went back watching y/n.

"Sweety... I just think y'know kinda unhealthy-!" I threw a picture at him. "Unhealthy?! You stalk your employees! What's wrong what with I'm doing! I'm only watching her. Not actively following her!" Blitzø stood up slowly. I held my hands out "the keys Blitzø." I growled. He had locked me in this small apartment away from y/n. He shook his head "no. Even I know when to stop." "fine. Hard way it is then." "hard way? Wha-!"

"And there!" Blitzø squirmed around on the bed. His legs snapped in half Tears streaming his face, I picked up the bloodied keys. "Let this be a reminder to never get in my way of what I want Blitzø."

Sorry if this is crappy. I finished writing this at four in the morning. I had to re-do some parts. Word count 1327.

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