Stolas x Blitzø's twin brother song fic

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Requested by:HuskerRadioDust

Look my way

Stolas's pov
I sigh as I placed the grimoire onto my desk "🎵it is excepted an oath by blood to hold the tome and the starlight passes overhead fuels all the skills I've honed🎵" I walk towards the balcony and open the doors "🎵I am a guardian a watcher of these ancient rites yet I find myself drawn from that path on those dazzling moonlit nights🎵" I lean against the railing. Looking down at a single blue rose among the red roses "🎵let me hold you keep you close to me I long to hear your voice🎵" I move away from the railing and towards my room "🎵come now my little impish plaything we both made our choice🎵" I walk out of my room and into the hallway, passing via's door. "🎵I can give you everything you need or do you want to hear me plead? Just look my way just look my way🎵" I walk past the kitchen into the backyard "🎵is there something more that I don't know that you won't say 'til we've both grown cold? Just say please stay look my way🎵" I lightly run my fingers through the rose petals, the trees rustle slightly "🎵this unspoken contract a deed we forged for mutual gain if that's all this was when you're not here what is this rooted pain?🎵" a loud this comes from a nearby bush "y/n?" I move towards it. A fat bird hops out, I groan and walk away from it "🎵I don't care that you're of lower station or primed to sate my dark temptations why can't you understand? Let me explain🎵" I weave my way through the sleeping plants, making sure not to step in any roots. "🎵'cause I'm terrified as I cry to make these feelings true what's left for me in this broken house if I cannot have you?🎵" I bend down and pick up a small yellow daisy "🎵I'll give you everything you need what more is there? What more to plead? Just look my way Just look my way🎵" I carry the small daisy towards a pond, I sir down on a smooth rock and watch the koi fish swim around "🎵what can there be that I don't know? Will you never tell or be so bold? Just say please, stay look my way🎵" I place the daisy into the water and watch it float "🎵unless it's me? And no matter what in this world I could give its not enough to get through the walls you've conjured up to live?🎵" I look up from the koi fish and the floating flower. I watch as hells skies full with stars and planets "🎵is this how she'd feel abandoned, all alone and left to fend for herself? For some semblance of happiness that doesn't have to end?🎵" I stand up and dust my pants off. "🎵I will try to make amends for making you means to an end so, look my way please, look my way🎵" I walk towards the end of the garden as the trees rustle louder "🎵and if there's something more that I don't know? I'll save us before we both grow cold if you stay and just say look my way🎵" a blue rose falls at my feet, then another one and followed by those two, four others fall at my feet and another voice comes in "🎵look my way look my way🎵" I jump and stumble back as y/n falls out of a tree. "Ooh, that's gonna bruise." I walk forward "y/n? What are you doing here? And what are you doing climbing my tree?" he sits up, rubbing his behind in pain "to... Uh- tell you that I uh, love you." I smile and pick him up "oh, I love you too y/n." I cover his face in kisses.

Word count 681.

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