dom Loona x female reader sub

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Requested by:the0purple1rose
Sorry if its short.

Good girl~

Loona's pov
I watched as y/n wriggled under my touch, panting loudly. She closed her thighs tightly, trying to wriggle out of the soft rope I tied around her wrists. She whined softly, her cheeks flushed. I cooed softly as I curled my fingers in her, before uncurling them pulling them out. "L- loona-" I bit into her shoulder roughly, digging my teeth into her flesh. She whimpered out softly, I pulled away slowly. "What did I say about speaking?" I growled out lowley she whimpered, "n- not t- to speak un- unless s- spoken to." she mumbled out, her legs shaking, I pulled my hands away from her plushy thighs. Whining as the cold air hit the cuts on her thighs, I purred softly, trailing my lips along the inside of her thighs. I nipped hard as I neared her core, my chest rumbling as I ran my thumb down her slit, my thumb coated in her slick. She whined softly as I bit harder into her thighs, restraining her legs. She shudder gently as I pinched her nipples till they grew hard. "Are you going to be a good girl and do as I say?" I cooed out softly, blowing gently on her sopping core. She nodded frantically. "Y- yes!" I grinned. "Good girl~"

Sorry if its short. I'm finally becoming more comfortable doing lemons/limes. Word count 240.

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