pregnant Angel dust x male rabbit reader

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Where did this stuff come from?

Angel dust's pov
I panted softly. "Almost... There." I gripped the hand railing and hauled myself up. My lower arms holding my stomach, "there's only three steps. How is it that difficult to make it up one?" husk commented snarkily. "... How... 'bout... You try... Bein' pregnant and... Tryin' to walk up... Stairs..." I panted out, sweat forming on my forehead. I gripped the railing harder and took another step up, then another. "Oh, and angel dust, can you tell y/n that we're on tonight for the show." I nodded and waddled my way towards our shared room. I could smell our room half way down the hall. It smelled pine trees and fresh rain, the door was cracked open slightly and I could see y/n's big white fluffy tail wagging back and forth. I pushed the door open and waddled in, y/n was currently half way the den he was making. He had insisted that I sleep in it, and I did. The inside of the blanket den was extremely soft and fluffy, he had torn into the mattress and removed all the springs, filling the gaping hole up with blankets, pillows and feathers. I giggled and quietly moved towards him, "just gotta... There!" He exclaimed, his tail wagging vigorously back and forth. He leaned back out of the large hole and admired it for a momment. I ran my finger down his spine cooing softly. "Hello love~" he squeaked out in shock. His ears up in alarm his tail stiff, "Angel love! Don't do that." he smoothed his ears down. "Anywho. I got your den fixed up. I made it more comfortable." he pushes me towards the entrance rambling on about how it's more spacious and warm. He picked me up and settled me into the den. It was sorta dark, but he made a flap like window out of a thin blanket. The feathers were black-ish gray and there was fur blankets surrounding me. "Y/n, hun-?!" as soon as I opened my mouth a couple of strawberries were shoved into my mouth. I had no choice but chew and swallow them, he hadn't moved from his spot to get these at all. "Y/n. Where did you-!" He shoved some carrots into my mouth. His pupils were full blown, his body was fluffed up. "C'mon love, you got to eat if you want our kittens to be big and strong." I swallowed the carrots. "Where did you get this stuff?" I poked my head out the hole. He pointed to a hole in the side of the mattress. It was filled with leafs and ice cubes, I could see some of the strawberries and carrots he had forced fed me sticking out. "You dug a hole into our mattress!?" I yelled out. His shoulders slumped. "Well, I was gonna dug a hole into the floor to store all of your food cravings but I couldn't because of the concrete floor. Broke a couple of claws doing that." he gestured to his wrapped up fingers. I shifted around in the den "niffty's gonna kill you for doing this. You do know that right?" he nodded and hopped into the makeshift den "yes I know, but as long as you and the kittens are comfortable I'm perfectly fine with losing my fur." he laid down and pulled me into him, I winced a little as he sucked in a breath when my stomach pressed into his body. The door opened to our room or more like slammed open. "WHAT?! IT WAS YOU MAKING THIS MESS!" niffty exclaimed angerliy. I could her her shuffling around the room mumbling swear words as she picked up chunks of the broken concrete. "Your so lucky I'm here with you now y/n." I commented. He gave me a cheeky smile "eh, she wouldn't have caught me. She's not that fast." I chuckled and nuzzled into his fluffy chest.

Kittens is another name for baby bunnies.
Word count 675.

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