Asmodeus x fem human reader x fizzarolli

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Requested by:HuskerRadioDust

Together forever

Y/n's pov
"No ozzy! You can't eat that! It can hurt you!" I panicked as I took the rat poison away from him. He pouted, "aw, come on n/n! I just wanted to know what it tasted it like." I pointed to a dead rat "how about you ask him how it tastes. I'm sure he can tell you." ozzy pouted more. "I'm boooored!" fizz jumped down from ma's couch "hey! How about we go to hell!" I placed the rat poison back onto the table, b/n(brothers name) came in. "Having fun playing with your imaginary friends y/n?" he mocked. I frowned "they're not im- imaginary! They're real!" i pointed to where ozzy and fizzy was sitting watching cartoons. B/n shook his head "whatever you say y/n." I pout as he walks away, a loud explosionwe'd comes from behind me. "Are you coming y/n?!" I turn and look behind me "yeah! I'm comin'!" I run towards the portal and hop in with them laughing.

Y/n's pov
I yawned and sat up rubbing my eyes. That was a nice dream. I coughed and swallowed flem, my nose was stuffy and my sight was leaving like my hearing had. I stood up slowly, my legs gave way and I collapsed onto the floor hitting my head on the edge of something, everything went black.

Falling. I was falling, my skin was burning and it smelled like death. I hit the ground, crushing something beneath me. "Haha! Eat shit Blitzø!" whoever I Crushed beneath me groaned and pushed me off of him "oh shut the fuck fizzarolli! How about you go and fuck your boss!" i stood up slowly. "Fizzy? Is that you?" the demon stopped "y/n? It's you!" he tackled me to the ground knocking the imp to the ground again. "Oh, fizzy Where are you?" fizzy stayed there, clinging to me. "Over here ozzy! And I found someone we haven't seen in a long time!" ozzy walked over to us, and man is he tall. Ozzy would have to duck and shuffle side ways to probably get into a room. "Y/n? How did you get here?" I shrugged and sat up, leaning my elbows against the imp beneath us "I have no clue. But I wasn't exactly a saint either-!" ozzy scoops us up in one big swoop "I'm glad your here now. Now you can work with me! We'll show you around the lust ring." I nod and lean my head against his chest. Fizzy nuzzled into his shoulder purring. "Oh! It's a good thing you came early. Some guy named Moxxie is going to be performing tonight! You're going to be sitting with me and fizzy." I hum as he carries us into the building.

Word count 484
Sorry it took so long and that it probably sucks.

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