sleepy Angel dust x working reader

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Requested by: egirlsleepynights

Snuggle me!
Angel dust yawned, his eyes drooping heavily as he watched your moving form.

How could you work So late? Without stopping to blink yourself awake or falter in your movements.

Laying his head over his arms that acted like a pillow as he watched you, a bored and tired look in his eyes.

"Are ya done yet?"

He complained softly his eyes drooping shut before opening up.

You sighed, looking down at all the paperwork Charlie gave you, you'd never be able to finish it all and the paperwork is supposed to be in by tomorrow.

You really wished she gave you the paperwork two day ago.


Looking down once more you cringed at the sight of the mountains of paperwork.

"Well? I'm tired and I wanna cuddle tonight."

Angel dust said grouchily, you plopped the paperwork down onto the bar, you had only got five to maybe four papers down.

"Well, how about you cuddle fat nuggets instead? I'll be in bed presumably by four am-!"

You gasped as the paperwork was shoved off the table then stomped on.

Angel dust was angry, he was sleepy, he was vary sleepy and he wanted to snuggle up to you, but that wants gonna happen because of the paperwork you had.

Taking a breath he looked at the ground, the paperwork was successfully stomped and torned to shreds.

"My- my- my paperwork!"

You cried out, all the hard work you had done on those five papers, it took you all day to finish it.

You were picked up by a sleepy Angel dust who happily strided off to your shared room.

You sighed, leaning your head onto his shoulder listening to his happy hum.

"Now, I'm being the little spoon."

He declared as he fished out your room key, kicking open the door, revealing a happy fat nuggets who scrambled out of the way.

Tossing you on the bed, he pulled off his outfit, sighing happily as the cool air hit his fur.

You shifted upwards, watching as he crawled into bed, only in his small pink boxers.

Opening your arms he happily snuggled up against your chest, wrapping his arms tightly around you as fat nuggets jumped up onto the bed, waddling to your side before plopping down.

Running your fingers through his hair you hummed softly as you closed your eyes.

"Mhm... Night sweetheart."

He cooed softly, on the brink of falling asleep.

You hummed in acknowledgement, half watching as he drifted off to sleep.

"Night Angel dust."

Word count 428

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