Valentino x lucifer's little sister reader

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Requested by:_blueberrywaffleton_

(Valentino is toxic and abusive, so that's how he's gonna be in this)

(reader is 192)

Rejection never fazed me
Sitting back in his chair Valentino watched as Lucifer stood up, talking about whatever it was He was talking about.

His gaze moved across the room, eyes landing on your smaller form.

You looked like an exact replica of lucifer, the difference being in age and height.

Your red eyes darted around the room, avoiding Alastor who seemed to think staring at you was his favorite hobby now.

"Ain't that right y/n?"

Lucifer asked, squishing your cheeks gently, before releasing his hold as he sat back down in his chair, kicking his feet up onto the table.

You nodded, only half listening about what he was rambling on about.


Valentino hummed, lighting a cigarette and taking a long puff off of it.

His eyes trailed down up your hands which you hid beneath white gloves.

Like your gloves they matched your attire, your suit being almost completely white if it weren't for your hat.

It felt like time had passed much faster when it came to staring or observing you than listening to whatever Lucifer said.

Humming his mind went to other places.

Behind every man is a greater woman, those words spoke loud in his head, reminding him of his father and his mother.

They both loved each other dearly but then shit hit the fan and everything went down hill.

He knew of Angel dust and husk's relationship, reminding him of what he and vox used to have most of the times.

He couldn't help but envy Lucifer and Angel dust for having a good partner and a semi-good life.

He had asked you multiple times to go out with him, and at first, it was for the power and money.

He thought you'd say yes but instead he was meet with a door in the face.

He asked many times but it was always no, now, being rejected never fazed him, in fact it was him who was doing the heartless rejections.

But you turned the tables, attracting him more than before, he was and had, stepped, crushed, and pushed those in his way for you.

And you turned him away.

Gripping the chairs arm, he grumbled looking at you, this was your fault.

Him losing almost all of his territory is your fault, if he hadn't focused all his attention on you he'd still have most of his territory.

He'd make you pay, He'd make you hurt, he'd make you cry.

Watching everybody leave he took his time, side-eyeing you as you bid goodbye to your brother.

Lucifer left the room humming, alastor followed Behind him.

You grabbed your phone and book, tucking it under your arm as you made your way out of the room.

Long fingers gripped into your shoulder, yanking you back into valentino's chest.

"And where do you think you're going?"

He asked smugly, his nails digging into your skin.


You stated bluntly, wiggling out of his grasp.

"Why are you still bugging me? I told you no multiple times."

He chuckled, cupping your face gently.

His nails digging into your white skin leaving red marks.

"Oh, sweetie. If you think a simply no is going to deter me then your wrong."

He leaned in, a sneer on his face as he injected a syringe filled with pink goo.

"Nighty night sweetheart."

Word count 581

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