alastor x oblivious male reader x Angel dust part two

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Requested by:HuskerRadioDust

One-shot/song fic
There's gonna be two songs in one

We fell in love when we were young

Y/n's pov
I watched silently as Anthony and al slowly passed on in they're beds. The doctors said we couldn't bring them to the hospital because we didn't have enough money. And if I did bring them there, they would have put them with all the other sick, dieing patients. "Don't be sad y/n, we'll see you again soon." al and Anthony cup my cheek. I closed my eyes and leaned into they're touch. Both they're hands fell down onto the bed, cold not warm like it was a few hours ago.

It's been a few weeks since al and Anthony passed. I went to they're funerals, on the way back it was foggy and dark out, I had my Windows rolled down and I was driving over the speeding limit. At least I think I was, I took another swing from my beer bottle husk gave to me. Said it "numbed the pain" it didn't. If anything it made me hurt more, I could've done something to help them. I stopped at a Cliffside and get out "🎵there goes my luck, there goes my pride, there goes everything that I've been working for all my life🎵" I walk towards the end of the cliff and look down watching the town lights flicker on and off "🎵there goes that dream and so it seems there goes the days and nights awake and fighting thoughts of losing🎵" I sit down, kicking my legs over the cliff side "🎵maybe everything I learned before today was just a waste what if everywhere I felt that I belonged was not my place? And it worked🎵" a hand grips my shoulder, I turn to look at the person behind me. It was husk frowning "🎵don't blame yourself 'cause you tried as hard as hell with the hand that you were delt🎵" husk tugs me up roughly "🎵don't blame get on your feet enough "poor me" if you got time to bitch and whine well, there's time to try again🎵" he takes the beer bottle from me throws it over the cliff side "🎵this time you're free I know it's hard to believe after them days and nights awake and feeling lost, you're losing it🎵" he tugged me towards my car, I stumbled trying to keep up "🎵well, if everything you learned before today was just a waste think of everyone you met along the way and all you've faced boy, you've won yeah🎵" he pushed me into my car and got into the drivers seat "🎵don't blame yourself 'cause you tried as hard as hell with the hand that you were delt🎵" I look out the window frowning, he places his hand on my shoulder and gently squeezes it. I smile "🎵 don't blame now the road laid out before me is in flames and the bridges that I've crossed have collapsed and the vultures are circling overhead they're reminding me of choices from my past🎵"
I laid on my death bed. Husk sat beside me, his hair graying. I didn't think I would leave this world so soon, I wipe a stray tear from husk's cheek "🎵don't blame yourself 'cause you tried as hard as hell with the hand that you were delt🎵" husk holds my hand against his cheek. My eyes close slowly and my arm falls limp "🎵don't blame yourself 'cause you tried as hard as hell with the hand that you were delt🎵" I open my eyes and look around, I was floating. And right below me was husk sobbing, holding my corpse close I reached out to him "🎵don't blame don't blame oh, you tried as hard as hell with the hand that you were delt🎵" before I could reach him I was tugged up into a bright light "🎵don't blame don't blame yeah, you tried as hard as hell with the hand that you were delt🎵" I'm tugged forward in front of golden gates, a tall man dressed in with with a million eyes surrounding him, looks down at me, frowning. "🎵don't blame don't blame oh, don't blame don't don't blame🎵" he points to below me, the angels grab me by my wings that appeared. And ripped them off of me back, I began to panic, all my memories of al Anthony everybody I knew vanished. I could only remember my name, I look around. Why am I falling? I look back up Why can't I go to heaven? The world around me turns red. "🎵there goes my luck🎵" I shut my eyes right as my body hits the ground.

Alastor's pov
Angel dust sat on the edge of my desk watching the sky "and there goes another poor, stupid sap." I sip my coffee, "darling, I do believe watching the heavens waiting for y/n isn't going to get you anywhere. Be patient." I set the cup down. He sighed "I know. But he's taking his sweet ass time getting here!"I chuckled "well, do you want me to grab you a drink while I'm downstairs dear?" he stood up "no, I can get myself a drink." we walked out of the office together. I could hear Charlie squeal "omg! Hi! My name is Charlie what's yours?!" we step down from the last step and take a look at the poor sinner trying to redeem themselves "uh, my name is y/n, it's nice to meet you miss Charlie." Angel dust immediately rushed to the demons side "your y/n right? Y/n l/n?(last name)" the demon nodded confused "um yes, but who are you?" Angel dust laughed and pulled y/n into his fluffy chest. "Oh don't be silly n/n! Now you have a lot of making up to do with me and al! Starting with my kisses and snuggles!" y/n looks up at him "um, who's al? And I don't know you." y/n shoved angel dust off of him, I walked up to the two of them. "Y/n? Do you not remember your dear lovers?" he stepped back as Angel dust grabbed him by the shoulders "y/n, knock this shit off its not funny!" he stumbled back overwhelmed "I'm sorry! I really am! But I don't know either of yous." he scurried away from us, snatching the keys to his hotel room from Charlie than scurried off to his room tail tucked between his legs. I grabbed a hold of angel dust before he could take chase for y/n. "My dear, relax. He'll remember soon." but I was wrong so vary, vary wrong. If anything we were barely acquaintances. Y/n went about his day helping around the hotel either dicarding or ignoring Angel dust's and i's gifts. "Al, this isn't working! What if he never remembers us!" he shook me by my shoulders "in fact, take a look at who's flirting with him!" he pointed over to husk who indeed was pressing himself up against him, and saying something I couldn't really make out what. I gritted my teeth as Angel dust's shoulders slumped "we've did everything to try and get him to remember us!" I smiled "ah! That's where your wrong Angel dear! Remember the song? What about that, have we tried it yet?" he shook his head "no actually, but if we do, will I have to carry you on my shoulders again?" I chuckled "unfortunately yes."

"Ouch! Al, as much as I love you, you need a new pair of shoes!" angle dust straightened his back and his other set of arms came out holding a guitar. He began strumming I took a deep breath and watched his window "🎵we still love you so much, to live without you remebering you loved us once is hard we love you still so much and heaven was our witness and this is a fact🎵" the light turned on "🎵we know we belong when we sing this song there's love above love and it's ours 'cause we still love you so much🎵" the curtains opened and y/n peeked out "🎵we lived for your touch, and still do We whispered your name night after night we love you still so much there's only one feeling and we know it's right🎵" he opened the window up, brows furrowed as Angel dust moved closer towards the building "🎵we know we belong when we sing this song there's love above love and it's ours 'cause we still love you so much🎵" he tilted his head to the side and began humming the song "🎵heaven remembers your name we've prayed to have you back by our side without you a part of us is missing just to make you our own again we will fight🎵" he smiled down at us, I got on my tippy toes and stood in front of him "🎵we know we belong when we sing this song there's love above love and it's ours 'cause we still love you so much🎵" he smiled and began singing "🎵we still love you so much we still love you so much heaven was our witness and this is a fact you lived in our soul you lived in our heart and you still do your heart is our goal once more there's love above love and it's ours 'cause we still love you so much there's love above love and it's yours 'cause we still love you so much there's love above love and it's ours if you remember you loved us as much🎵" y/n lean in and kissed my cheek, cupping my face "oh, al, Anthony. That was so sweet." he nuzzled my cheek. Angel dust huffed "you forgot one part in the song." I tilt my head down "and what's that Angel dear?" "🎵and we all fall down because I can't hold you up anymore!🎵" Angel dust yells out and collapses onto the ground. I fall grabbing onto y/n who falls on top of me. He laughs and nuzzles into my chest. Another voice pipes in "awwww! See vaggie! Alastor isn't bad! In fact he does have a heart!" I frown and look over to where she is "do you ever mind your own business?"

Word count 1770.

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