beast striker x human reader song fic

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Beauty and the beast:Evermore
I felt like doing this its been on my mind for awhile now.

Striker's pov
I leaned against the windowsil watching the snow fall "🎵I was the one who had it all, I was the master of my fate, I never needed anybody in my life I learned the truth too late I'll never shake away the pain🎵" I close my eyes and a image of y/n pops up in my mind "🎵I close my eyes but she's still there I let her steal into my melancholy heart it's more than I can bare🎵" I open my eyes and look down at the path watching as y/n runs down it"🎵now I know she'll never leave me even as she runs away she will still torment me calm me, hurt me move me, come what may wasting in my lonely tower🎵" I walk towards the door, picking up her scarf "🎵waiting by an open door I'll fool myself, she'll walk right in and be with me forever more🎵" I put the scarf around my neck and inhale her scent. "🎵I rage against the trials of love I curse the fading of the light though she's already flown so far beyond my reach she's never out of sight🎵" I walk outside and look at her foot prints, Smiling "🎵now I know she'll never leave me even as she fades from view she will still inspire me be a part of everything I do🎵" I walk back inside and run my hands across the railing. "🎵wasting in my lonely tower waiting by an open door I'll fool myself, she'll walk right in and as the long, long nights begin I'll think of all that might have been waiting here forever more🎵" I close my eyes and frown. "Striker! Oh, striker where are you?" my eyes snap open immediately and I run out of my room. I peek out from the hallway and see the h/c girl walking up the stairs with a tall bird. I come out "y/n? Why are you here I thought you left for good." she smiles up at me "well I could never leave you be by yourself. Besides I love you." she takes my face I'm her hands and placed a soft kiss on my lips. I purred softly as I wrapped my tail around her, the tall bird cleared his throat "striker this is my father, Stolas. You remember right, when my sister came and uh, spray painted... Hehe." I smile and nuzzle her neck "of course I do squishy. So, your staying for good?" she nods and wraps her arms around me. "I'll stay here with you, just like you wanted. But this time I'm more willing." I smiled down at her "I love you my squishy human." she giggled "I love you too my beast."

Word count 496.

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