yandere alastor x human male reader

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Requested by 10R4nd0m01

Silhouettes in the dark

Alastor's pov
I found watching y/n to be... Quiet entertaining. Even if the others spoke utter nonsense about how unhealthy it is, or the importance of personal space.

'stupidity.' honestly, if they thought casting a weak spell on the hotel to keep me here would work their sorely wrong.

"Yeah? Really? Well, I got something to tell you, you cheating whore. We're done, I already threw your clothes out the window for the dogs to rip into, and you can kiss your vary expensive makeup good bye... Oh why? Well, lets just say its sleeping with the fishes." y/n walked outside looking down at his pond. Kicking a gold tipped lip stick into the pond,

I grinned, watching as y/n spewed hatred at his ex. It was so much different watching up close in his bedroom window than to watching him from hell.

I looked around his room, it was filled with odd trinkets and little figurines.
His room smelled fresh, and like pine trees.

I sat down on his bed, it was warm and bouncy. The blankets were made, folded nearly onto his bed next to his hamper filled with clothes, fresh and smelled of him, even if he did his clothes.

My shadows zoomed around the room, scrurrying up the walls and across the ceiling trilling happily.

"Now, now. We must'n make a mess of his room. But..." I watched the other shadows rub up against the hamper, rubbing they're scent on the walls and the hamper.

"... It wouldn't hurt to mark and scent the room." I mumbled softly running my finger across his dresser, digging my nails into the wood, leaving indents.

Tentacles slithered their way up the walls, leaving marks on the ceiling as the shadows rolled around on y/n's bed purring.

"Hmm..." I brushed my antlers up against the wall slightly, leaving marks across the wall that are barely noticeable.

---twenty minuets later---
... I... Might have gotten a bit carried away with the marking.

The walls had small punctured holes in certain areas, the ceiling was dripping with black sludge that had dried up a little bit, his bed was preoccupied by my shadow that was still nibbling on the headbroad... Or, whatever is left of it.

The closet walls were a little gouged out. His clothes were slightly wet from the tentacles and my shadow.

"Well-" the door opened and I backed up into the shadows in the far corner.

Y/n, looked mad, glaring at his phone which he chucked onto the floor.

He moves towards his bed flopping down. His nose scrunched up.

"The fuck?" he moves his hand to touch his blanket, his fingers slide over black sludge and slobber most likely from my shadow.

He pulls his hand away from it, gagging as he pulls the sheets off slowly, trying not to touch the sludge.

Throwing it onto the ground he flops back onto his bed.

His sister walks into his room "hey man, you good?"

He shakes his head, tears filling his eyes. His sister frowns before smiling evily. "Hey... Do you want me to beat the living shit outta her? No? Too late already did... Kinda thought you'd say yes... Not gonna lie." she looks around the room eyeing the shadows that are darting around.

"Hey man... Why is there silhouettes in the dark?"

Word count 570.

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