Yandere striker x Blitzø's yandere brother reader

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Requested by:HuskerRadioDust

Crazy in love

Striker's pov
"P- please! It won't happen again! I swear I'll leave him alone!" the succubus pleaded. I chuckled as I dragged my jagged knife down her throat. Cutting it open slowly, "well then. If yer' sorry yer' sneaky lyin' ass wouldn't have gon' back to y/n Now would ya." I pulled the knife away from her bleeding throat, I watched the blood trail down the blades tip, trickling down my wrist slowly. The succubus grasped desperately at her throat, the blood slipping past her pink fingers and onto the dirty ground. I grinned as the succubus collapsed onto the ground, her eyes wide and glazed over with death as her blood pooled around her lifeless body and my boots. I walked around her lifeless body for a momment before walking out of the alleyway, the blood trailed out of the alleyway. Costing the cracked concrete in red, everybody ignored the blood puddle before them either walking in it without a care or around it not wanting to get they're shoes or hoofs dirty. My tail rattled behind me as my eyes land on y/n, who was talking to that blue blood stolas. I watched as stolas patted y/n on the head gently, his tail twitched for a momment before going still. I fixed my hat and coat, 'alright. Jus' put on the old charm and he'll be under yer' thumb in no time.' I stopped fixing my hat and approached y/n as stolas left his side to gaze at the flowers in the flower shop. "Why hello there y/n, how ya been?" I waved at him, y/n turned to look at me he smiled "I've been better." he muttered as he looked back at stolas, I nodded. "So yer' watchin' this blue blood instead of yer' brother? Why?" I questioned as I glared holes into stolas's back. "Well, my brother was feeling sick today so he sent me to watch over stolas." he shrugged his shoulders, his tail flicked back and forth. I nodded "well, maybe when yer' done I could take ya huntin' some time." I questioned softly, he rubbed the back of his head "I'm actually kinda busy. I'll call ya when I'm done doin' whatever it is I have to do though." my shoulders sagged back, my tail drooped slightly, ceasing any movement it was doing. "Oh... Uh, yeah!" I nodded, forcing a strained smile on my lips. "I'll uh, see ya later." I turned tail and walked down the sidewalk, my tail tucked between my legs. 'I'm sooo stupid!' I frowned, 'of course he wouldn't be interested in hanging out with me! That's probably an excuse just to get away from me.' I brushed past smaller imps and tall imps, I headed towards the bar, pushing succubus's out of my way as I walked into the bar. It reeked of sweat, cigars, and beer. The bar was bustling with drunk demons and demonesses, I stepped over some broken glass bottles that were thrown onto the ground. I walked towards an empty bar stool, I brushed past a waitress and sat down on the bar stool. "What can I get you?" the bartender asked gruffly, washing a whisky cup. "Beer." I muttered out as I leaned my head on my hand. He grabbed a bottle off the shelf and popped the top off, pouring the liquid into a small cup, I stopped him. "No, just give me the bottle." he nodded and put the bottle down in front of me, "put it on my tab." I muttered as I grabbed the bottle, downing the beer slowly. "Did you here? A couple of overlords were killed yesterday." I placed the bottle down, "who were the overlords that died?" I questioned as I took my hat off and placed it on the counter. The bartender hummed in thought. "I'm pretty sure it was valentino and... Stella." I cough lightly. "Wait, Stella? H- how?" the bartender chuckled dryly. "That's what we'd like to know, the only thing at the crime scene was a glock." I frowned biting my bottom lip 'great, now I'm out of business!' I glared holes into the bottle, watching the bubbles float up. The bar emptied slowly, the place becoming quiet. "Well, it was nice talking to you. But I have to close up now." the bartender finished wiping glasses down, "yeah, I should get going anyways." I nodded standing up I grabbed my hat and placed it back on me head, and left towards the entrance the bartender not that far behind. I stumbled down the sidewalk, shaking off the nausea. "W- wait! P- please! Have mercy!" my brows furrowed. It sounded just like the bartender, I turned and looked over my shoulder. He was gone, no longer behind me all that was there was a bloody trail leading into an alleyway. My tail flicked back and forth as I followed the bloody trail into the alleyway, "p- please!" the voice became louder as the bartender and his captor came into view. I watched as his captor grinned, pressing the knife into his collarbone harshly. His red eyes glinted sadisticly, he shifted into the moonlight, 'y/n?' I moved into the shadows watching as y/n pulled the knife out. "What were you doing with striker? I told you to stay away from him didn't I? Was I not clear enough?" my heart fluttered with excitement, my anger washing away quickly. 'i have a chance!' I grinned and watched y/n repeatedly stab the bartender.

Word count 935.

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