Yandere sir pentious x reader

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Requested by:YourlocalAsrielsimp

Pretty little angel
Sitting up against the wall you tugged on the chains.

How long have you been here? You've hadn't the foggiest clue, all you knew is that you missed husk, Angel dust and alastor a lot.

"Hello my dear, are you hungry? Oh I hope you are! I made us some tea and biscuits!"

The snake spoke, his hat grinning at you.

Pulling out some keys from his pocket he slithered towards you, the keys jingling loudly.

"Here, let's get those chains off of you."

He spoke softly, leaning in he inserted the key into the keyhole, turning it to the side and pulling it out as it clicked open.

"There, now-"

He leaned down and grabbed a hold of your hands, pulling you up gently.

You stumbled forward a bit, it's been awhile since you last took a walk, it also didn't help that he made all the egg bois carry you around anytime you were out of your chains.

"And up we go."

Sweeping you up into his arms he slithered out of your room or chambers as he liked to call it and slithered into the main room.

The main room was mostly were he piloted his aircraft, where all the pipes and guns were.

The room was swept up nicely with brand new red curtains hanging up on the large glass window.

The room was dimly lit with candles scattered around on the ground, and dead rose petals leading to a table with a candle holder in the middle of it, The table was covered in a big white sheet.

On the table was two small tea cups on saucers And a plate of biscuits.

If you guys were together, and had met under different circumstances, then you would've thought this was romantic.

But you thought the opposite.

"What do you think? Took me a long time to get the egg bois out of the way."

He spoke, looking over to a pen filled with the egg bois reading books.

"It's... Lovely."

You spoke dryly, getting comfortable in the chair he set you in, slithering over to the other side he sat in the chair across from you.

"Now, darling-"

He began blabbering on about his invention, and about taking over hell.

You fiddled with the biscuit, the small round biscuit fitting into your palm easily.

"What's wrong? Why are you frowning?"

He qustioned, his gaze softening just ever so slightly.

"I want to go home."

You said softly, tears welling up in your eyes.

You missed your brother and your uncle.

Your ears pinned themselves to your head as your wings wrapped around yourself in a comforting hug.

Your tail wrapped itself around your leg gently.

Sir pentious chuckled his fingers linking with yours.

"Oh, my sweet angel, you are home."

He spoke darkly, his nail digging into your hand as a warning, he may not look like he's capable of doing bodily harm, but he is.

A reminder of what happened last time, it took years to regrow your wing and you'd rather not lose both of them this time.

So, naturally you said nothing and listened to him coo.

This is your home now, for all eternity.

Word count 606
Okay, now I took a look at husk's request page.

Where is the love for this old grumpy man?

I'm doing all these other requests and I'm pretty sure I only got five requests for this old grump.

Speaking of this I have a question.

Who is more attractive?

A: husk

B: alastor

C: Angel dust

You can comment on which one is more attractive.

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