human Angel dust x reader

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Requested by Ryangrigg1222

Au:human Angel dust/Anthony

Help me, help you.

Angel dust/Anthony's pov
I sat back in my chair, enjoying the softness of it. The door creaked open "hey Anthony. How ya doin'?" y/n walked in, carrying a couple of books along with some papers. "I assume these are for me?" they nodded, smiling sheepishly. "Yeaaah, sorry about the overload. Val wanted me to sit with him while he spoke to vox, about business." they shrugged as the placed the papers and books on my desk. I sighed and sat up, "it's no problem y/n. Tell me how it goes will ya?" I questioned softly as I shuffled through papers. "Yeah, I will." they nodded and left my office, closing the door behind them quietly. I slumped against my chair, staring at all the papers and books I had to either book mark certain pages or sign contracts. I rubbed my eyes gently, the door opened again. "What? More paper y/-?" dad walked in, a frown on his face. "Anthony-" I frowned hard, "no. Whatever it is you have to say to me say it to the garbage can. I'm not in the mood for your bullshit." he signed "Anthony. Your sister Molly. She's- she's dead."

"Anthony! Come on! You've been in bed for two whole weeks." y/n called from outside my door. "Go away!" I shouted from underneath my sheets. My eyes were sore and my nose was stuffy. The handle shook lightly, before the door opened. "Y/n." I sniffled out, burying myself deeper into the sheets. "Hey bud." they spoke softly as they sat down on my bed. "You've been in bed for two weeks Anthony. Come on out and hang with me. Just for a little bit." they spoke softly as they stroked my head gently. "What's the point. No matter how hard I try, I'll never see her ever again." I sniffled and buried my face into my pillow. They laid down besides me "that's not true. You'll see her again someday." they spoke softly as they turned to face me. "Molly wouldn't want you to be mopping like this though. She'd want you to live your best life!" they exclaimed softly. They stood up and turned to me, they're hand held out to me "you've always been there to help me. Now it's my turn. So, help me, help you."

Word count 423.
Yeah at the end I pretty much lost my train of thought and disnt have anything else to put.

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